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  • Different accounts tailored to your needs
  • Easy-to-use Internet Banking and mobile app for easy account management
  • Not our customer yet? Visit section Become our customer

If you want to open an additional account, you can easily do it here in the Internet bank. The account will be opened immediately and you will be able to already start using it.

Open an additional account

Use whichever option you prefer and open an account for a child (from 6 years of age) remotely or at a branch.

Find out more

Minimize your transaction counterparty risk by securing real estate, car and any other property sale or purchase deal.

Open an escrow account

With an account for investments, you can buy and sell securities when investing in Latvian or global securities markets.

Choose the most suitable account

If you plan to start your own business, open a company account with Swedbank and get know-how and valuable tools for business development as a bonus. Moreover, remote opening of company account is free of charge!

Open new company account

A basic payment account (with or without additional services) can be opened by private individuals — residents of the European Union, who do not have a residence permit in Latvia, but may not be deported from the country based on Latvian legislation. The person must submit a certificate proving that they do not hold accounts in any other credit institution in the Republic of Latvia. More information is available here.

Book an appointment

You can move your current account and the payments associated with it from one bank to another in Latvia. Current accounts and payment arrangements (such as automatic payment of e-invoices or standing orders) can be moved between banks if they provide services related to current accounts in Latvia and the current accounts are euro accounts. Moving accounts is free of charge. To perform current account switch, please visit any of our branches.

Accounts, payments

Current account

Service Price, EUR
Account opening Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge Incl. self-employed
Opening an additional account Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge
The first verification of documents for customers who hold a personal ID issued outside the EU, the EEA or Switzerland and do not hold a permanent residence permit issued in Latvia. 200.00 * The fee is charged before the first current account is opened and is non-refundable if the bank refuses to start cooperation. Documents are inspected within 5 business days.

EEA - (European Economic Area) countries - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Croatia.
Setting up Swedbank's power of attorney Only in branches Free of charge
Account maintenance Free of charge
Maintaining an inactive account 1.00 per month The fee will be withheld from accounts in which no bank operations have been carried out during the year (with the exception of bank commissions withheld).
Other services
Inheritance document processing within 5 business days 12.00, incl. VAT Document inspection fee
Serving with power of attorney issued by Swedbank Only in branches Free of charge
Serving based on a power of attorney certified by a Latvian notary or the Orphan’s Court Only in branches 12.00, incl. VAT Power of attorney verification fee applicable for each verification Power of attorney inspection fee. The service will be provided within 2 business days.
Serving based on a power of attorney certified by a foreign notary Only in branches 12.00-45.00, incl. VAT 45.00, incl. VAT - first check
12.00, incl. VAT - every following check
Power of attorney inspection fee. The service will be provided within 2 business days.
Closing an account Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge Closure of an additional account can be requested by sending a message on the Internet Banking site or over the phone by calling 67 444 444. To close your only and last account, please visit a branch.
Fee for handling of funds remaining in an account for a customer with whom the bank has terminated business relationship 50.00 The fee is charged once from the total balance of funds that the customer has not transferred to other credit institution within the specified timeframe.

The Bank does not calculate and pay interest on account balances to the Client.

Effective from 01.10.2021.

  • Safekeeping fee is calculated based on the value of the portfolio on the last date of the calendar month. Securities are priced according to the month end prices of the Bank’s local agents, market price or nominal value. Bonds are priced at nominal value. Fees are debited on the 20th or later date of the following month from the Client’s cash account linked to the securities account.
  • ETF safekeeping fee equals to the safekeeping fee of its trading country.
  • Safekeeping of Depositary Receipts (ADR, GDR) is subject to the respective DR Agent’s fees in addition to safekeeping fees.
  • Fee for the tax reclaim or voting service will be debited from the Client’s cash account linked to the securities account within 15 days after the tax reclaim documents or voting documents were submitted. External costs debiting may also happen in later months depending when the Bank is invoiced by its counterparty. The fee will not be refunded in case the application is rejected by third parties.
  • Maintenance fee of an owner account is charged in addition to monthly securities safekeeping fee. Owner account is an account in the name of the Client opened at Nasdaq CSD SE and used only on behalf of the specific Client.
  • Owner account at Nasdaq CSD SE may be opened only at the branch office.

Securities account

Further information on securities accounts and transactions and payable and paid charges is available from the Bank.
If the Bank is obliged to pay taxes, fees, interest, penalties or incur other costs (that are not covered in the Bank’s price list below) for the provision of securities safekeeping and transaction services to the Client, the Bank shall have the right to debit such amounts from the Client’s Cash Account without Client consent.

Effective from 01.04.2023

Service Price, EUR
Account opening 0,00-4,50 Via Internet Banking - Free of charge
At branches - 4.50
Account statements
Statement of holdings 0,00-7,00 Via Internet Banking - Free of charge
At branches – 7.00
Statement of transaction 0,00-7,00 Via Internet Banking - Free of charge
At branches – 7.00
Monthly Securities Safekeeping Fees options
  • Safekeeping fee is calculated based on the value of the portfolio on the last date of the calendar month. Securities are priced according to the month end prices of the Bank’s local agents, market price or nominal value. Bonds are priced at nominal value. Fees are debited on the 20th or later date of the following month from the Client’s cash account linked to the securities account.
  • If Client only holds securities of Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian companies under liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings according to the Nasdaq CSD SE data, no safekeeping fee is charged.
  • ETF safekeeping fee equals to the safekeeping fee of its trading country.
  • Safekeeping of Depositary Receipts (ADR, GDR) is subject to the respective DR Agent’s fees in addition to safekeeping fees.
Swedbank Group funds Free of charge
Baltic securities Free of charge
Other investment funds, equities and bonds*
- Up to 100 000 EUR** Free of charge
- From the value above 100 000 EUR** 0.008%
* Securities registered in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA and Depositary Receipts (ADR, GDR), Eurobonds.
** Swedbank Group Funds and Baltic securities are excluded from the calculation of the portfolio value for safekeeping fee calculation.
Other countries Subject to agreement
Other services options
  • Tax relief at source / tax reclaim and general meeting services are subject to availability on each specific market.
  • Maintenance fee of an owner account is charged in addition to monthly securities safekeeping fee. Owner account is an account in the name of the Client opened at Nasdaq CSD SE and used only on behalf of the specific Client.
  • Owner account at Nasdaq CSD SE may be opened only at the branch office.
Owner securities account opening at Nasdaq CSD SE 50.00
Owner securities account monthly account maintenance 50.00
Participation in general shareholder meeting 120 EUR + external costs + VAT
  • The service fee is subject to 21% VAT.
  • The general meeting service is subject to availability on each specific market.
Processing of electronic voting instructions at general meeting 50 EUR + external costs + VAT
  • The service fee is subject to 21% VAT.
  • The general meeting service is subject to availability on each specific market.
Other corporate action Subject to agreement We set the fee for other corporate actions as „Subject to agreement“ as the range and technical nuances vary.
Tax reclaim 60 EUR + external costs + VAT
  • The service fee is subject to 21% VAT.
  • The tax reclaim service is subject to availability on each specific market.
Tax relief at source Free of charge The tax relief at source service is subject to availability on each specific market.
Mandatory corporate actions Free of charge
All securities account types Free of charge
Transactions with securities See Securities and Other Exchange-traded financial instruments
Transactions with investment fund units See Investment Funds

Effective from 01.04.2023.

Escrow Account

Service Price, EUR
Account opening Easier via Internet Banking Account opening, including agreement preparation.
- With standard terms of agreement Min. 100 Standard turnaround - 0,4% of the amount, min. 100,00
On urgent basis - 0,6% of the amount, min. 200,00
- With non-standard terms of agreement Agreed on case-by-case basis, min. 200,00 Standard turnaround - min. 200,00
On urgent basis - min. 500,00
- When granting a mortgage loan 0.4% of the amount (min. 50.00, max. 200.00) Account opening with granting a mortgage loan at Swedbank.
Setting up account additionally in foreign language Agreed on case-by-case basis, min. 100,00 On standard terms of agreement - 100,00
On non-standard terms of agreement - agreed on case-by-case basis, min. 100,00
In English or Russian.
Verification of documents issued outside Latvia (ID, passport, business supporting documents, etc.) 200,00 The fee is collected in advance and may be increased in some cases
Serving with a power of attorney issued by other institutions See Current account
Account handling 0.00 - 150.00 On standard basis - 0.00
On urgent basis - 150.00
Handling includes document inspection and payment execution on standard basis - within 3 business days; on urgent basis - within 24 hours (for payments in foreign currencies and/or other bank outside EEA countries; see Payments)
- In standard terms of agreement 50.00 Fee charged for each instance of making changes.
- In non-standard terms of agreement As agreed in each case Min. 70.00 Fee charged for each instance of making changes.
Provision of information Free of charge Information about the escrow account status and transactions.
Account closure Free of charge

Effective from 01.03.2017

High-risk countries to which outgoing payments are not processed

In order to mitigate international payment risks in line with its low-risk banking strategy, Swedbank AS will discontinue outgoing payments to several high-risk countries from 01.09.2023. These countries are:

Afghanistan; American Samoa; Anguilla; Aruba; Belize; Bhutan; Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba; British Virgin Islands; Brunei Darussalam; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Central African Republic; Chad; Comoros; Cook Islands; Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea); Djibouti; East Timor (Timor Leste); El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Eswatini (Swaziland); Fiji; Gambia; Grenada; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Haiti; Islamic Republic of Iran; Iraq; Kiribati; Lesotho; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Myanmar (Burma); Federated States of Micronesia; Montserrat; Nauru; Niger; Niue; Northern Mariana Islands; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Saint Helena; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe; Syria; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Sudan; Suriname; Tonga; Turks and Caicos; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; Wallis and Futuna; Western Sahara.

A payment can be executed as an instant payment within seconds at any time (24/7), provided that:

  • The payment made via Internet Banking or the mobile app.
  • The beneficiary's account is with a payment institution registered in Latvia that has joined the instant payments system.
  • The payment amount for an outgoing payment does not exceed 15,000 EUR.

If the beneficiary bank cannot accept the payment as an instant payment, other obstacles to its execution exist or additional checks are required for its execution, the instant payment may be rejected and processed as an economic euro-denominated payment to the European payment area countries.

Payments in EUR

Service Payment submission type and time Price, EUR
via Internet Banking via Branch/Telephone Banking
Intra-bank payments
To own or other person's account at Swedbank Latvia Immediately Free of charge 5.00
European payments*
To other bank in Latvia (incl. instant payments) or to the European payments area countries Economy Delivery of funds to beneficiary bank or intermediary bank on the same business day as when the Bank accepts the customer’s order. 16:00 0.36 Free of charge for account holders of up to 22 years of age. 5.00
Express Delivery of funds to beneficiary bank or intermediary bank on the same business day, within an hour after the Bank accepts the customer’s order. 16:00 15.00 20.00
To an account at Swedbank Group Payments to Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Norway. Economy Delivery of funds to beneficiary bank or intermediary bank on the same business day as when the Bank accepts the customer’s order. 17:30 0.36 Free of charge for account holders of up to 22 years of age. 5.00
International payments
To other bank outside the European payments area countries (and European payments if beneficiary’s IBAN is not specified) Shared/Payer Shared/Payer
Economy Delivery of funds to beneficiary bank or intermediary bank 2 business days after the Bank accepts the customer’s order. Unrestricted 12.00 / 23.00 15.00 / 27.00
Standard Delivery of funds to beneficiary bank or intermediary bank the next business day after the Bank accepts the customer’s order. 16:00 15.00 / 27.00 20.00 / 30.00
Express Delivery of funds to beneficiary bank or intermediary bank on the same business day as when the Bank accepts the customer’s order. 14:00 22.00 / 43.00 30.00 / 50.00

Swedbank does not process International payments to some high-risk countries. More information here.

Time of submitting payment - the latest when the specific type of payment may be submitted. If no time of submitting is indicated, the payment may be submitted as long as the branch is open or at any time in the remote banking channels.

Shared - the price includes only Swedbank's fees; any other payment-related charges (by correspondent bank, beneficiary bank) are covered by the beneficiary. The Bank will remit the payment to the correspondent bank or the beneficiary bank with a note "SHA" in the corresponding S.W.I.F.T. message field "Details of charges". The payment will be credited to the beneficiary’s account by the beneficiary bank after deduction of all charges, if any, from the payment amount.

Payer - the payer undertakes to cover all costs associated with the payment, including any extra fees charged by the banks involved in execution of the payment. The Bank is entitled to debit them from the Customer’s Account without any additional approval by the Customer. The Bank assumes no responsibility for non-compliance, by any of the banks involved (correspondent bank or beneficiary bank), with the Bank’s instructions or for not receiving the full amount of the payment due to other reasons beyond the control of the Bank.

* European payments or SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) - euro payments to a European bank (bank, that is located in EU member states and in the United Kingdom, Andorra, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland and Vatican (Holy See)).

Effective from 01.09.2022

Effective from 01.09.2023

Payments in Foreign Currency

Service Payment execution mode Price, EUR
via Internet Banking via Branch/Telephone Banking
To own or other person's account at Swedbank Latvia
All foreign currencies Immediate Free of charge 5.00

Effective from 01.09.2022.

Standing orders and E-invoices

Service Price, EUR
Standing orders
Registration, amendment of standing order agreement Best value via Internet Banking 0.00 - 5.00, incl. VAT Via Internet Banking - 0.00
Via Branch/Telephone Banking - 5.00, incl. VAT
Standing order automated payment See Payments Payment fee according to current pricelist for payments to own or other person's Swedbank account, to other banks in Latvia and abroad.
Early termination of standing orders Free of charge
Registration, amendment of e-invoice receipt application or automated payment agreement Easier via Internet Banking 0.00 - 5.00, incl. VAT Via Internet Banking - 0.00
Via Branch/Telephone Banking - 5.00, incl. VAT
If both actions - signing up for receipt of e-invoice and signing agreement for automated payment of e-invoices - are performed at branch, then only one fee will be charged.
E-invoice receipt Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge List of companies, offering e-invoices.
E-invoice payment 0.00 - 0.36 To account with Swedbank - 0.00
To another bank in Latvia - 0.36
Termination of e-invoice automated payment agreement, discontinuation of e-invoice Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge

Effective from 01.09.2022.

Other Payment Services

Service Price, EUR
Investigation or correction of a payment (sent, received or non-received)
In case of error by Swedbank Free of charge
If the beneficiary's account is with Swedbank or other commercial bank in Latvia or Swedbank Group 10.00 + actual costs
Investigation or correction of foreign payments 35.00 + actual costs
Payment revocation
In case of error by Swedbank Free of charge
If the beneficiary's account is with Swedbank or other commercial bank in Latvia or Swedbank Group 17.00 + actual costs
If the beneficiary's account is outside Latvia 55.00 + actual costs
Incoming currency payment's crediting into account/processing in currency
From other account at Swedbank or other bank in Latvia, EU regulated payments Free of charge
Crediting of incoming currency* payments to account in a currency from abroad and if the fee is to be covered by the beneficiary or on a shared basis *incl. International payments in EUR currency 3.00
Payments from abroad with the instruction that the fee is payable by the payer Free of charge
Other services
Additional processing (verification, confirmation or cancellation) of payments made via Internet Banking,
according to the Remote Banking Services Agreement
Currency exchange in current account 0.00 - 3.00 Via Internet Banking - 0,00
Via Telephone Banking - 3,00
At branches – 3,00
Easier Internet Banking
Accepting an enforcement officer's and State Revenue Service's orders for execution 10.00 According to enforcement officer's order and State Revenue Service's collection order pursuant to statutory procedure (per each instance) and currency exchange into EUR (in case there are no funds in EUR in the account), the fee for transfers is charged according to the price list Payments.
State Revenue Service/enforcement officer payment processing 0.36
Investigation or revocation of a remitted or non-received payment - payment for the service does not guarantee the return of funds to customer’s account. Refunding of an executed payment is possible with the beneficiary’s consent only. If investigation shows that Swedbank has made an error, the charge will be refunded to the customer. Actual costs means the fees that a correspondent and/or beneficiary bank may charge independently from Swedbank for investigation or correction of a payment order.

Effective from 01.10.2021.

Price list for customers who joined the Senior service program before 01.09.2016.

Product/service Price, EUR
Payments in Latvia
To own account at Swedbank in EUR 0.00 - 3.00 Via Internet Banking - 0.00
Via Telephone Banking - 0.00
At branch - 3.00
To other person's account at Swedbank in EUR 0.00 - 3.00 Via Internet Banking - 0.00
Via Telephone Banking - 0.71
At branch - 3.00
To own account or other person's account at Swedbank in foreign currencies 0.00 - 3.00 Via Internet Banking - 0.00
Via Telephone Banking - 0.71
At branch - 3.00
To another bank in Latvia, EUR 0.36 - 3.00 Via Internet Banking - 0.36
Via Telephone Banking - 1.07
At branch - 3.00

Effective from 15.10.2017.

Cash transactions in branches

Service Price, EUR
Ordering cash of 6000 EUR or more 50 % of the cash withdrawal fee

When cash is ordered in advance, 50 % of the cash withdrawal fee is charged at the time of ordering. The rest of the fee is charged upon collecting the order. If the order is not collected, the fee already charged will be not be refunded. Withdrawal of amounts from 6000 EUR (including) at branch must be ordered two working days in advance by 13:00.

Users of remote services can order cash by phone on 67 444 444 or in their Swedbank Internet Banking user account.

EUR coin processing when performing cash deposit or withdrawal transactions 3.00 per every 20 items, min. 3.00

Only EUR coins are accepted and paid out. The coin processing fee is charged in addition to any fee for money deposit or withdrawal.

The bank does not accept coins that are scratched, mechanically damaged or changed their original appearance.

Money deposit
To own Swedbank account Also for cash deposits into accounts of Swedbank or Swedbank Group affiliates to cover company’s contractual obligations related to these companies or commissions for used services.
- Up to 9.99 EUR Free of charge 1x a month
- Above 9.99 EUR 0.5% of the amount (min. 10.00)
Money withdrawal
1. Withdrawal of amounts from 6000 EUR (including) at branch must be ordered two working days in advance by 13:00 o’clock. Withdrawal must be ordered in advance in person at a branch, or users of remote services can order by phone on 67 444 444 and in their Swedbank Internet Banking user account.
2. When ordering cash from 6000 EUR (including), 50% of the cash withdrawal fee is charged at the time of ordering. The rest of the fee is charged upon collecting the order. If the order is not collected, the fee already charged will be not be refunded.
From account at Swedbank
- Up to 9.99 EUR Free of charge 1x a month
- Above 9.99 EUR 1% of the amount, min. 10,00

Withdrawal of amounts from 6000 EUR (including) at branch must be ordered two working days in advance by 13:00. Users of remote services can order cash by phone on 67 444 444 or in their Swedbank Internet Banking user account.

When cash is ordered in advance, 50% of the cash withdrawal fee is charged at the time of ordering. The rest of the fee is charged upon collecting the order. If the order is not collected, the fee already charged will be not be refunded.

Cash withdrawal from a blocked account 15.00
Cash deposit and withdrawal transactions

For branches that handle cash, see the list

Cash transactions over EUR 15,000 can be performed at the branch “Ķīpsala”, Liepāja, Valmiera or Daugavpils branch.

Bank does not accept or replace EUR banknotes with indiscernible security elements and nominal value (e.g. burnt, stained with oil, coloured, damaged in washing machine or otherwise, as a result of which the banknote is discoloured).

Effective from 01.09.2022.

Cash operations in ATM and traders

Debit card EUR
Cash withdrawal in ATMs of Swedbank and cooperation partners In Swedbank Group ATMs in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, as well as in the ATMs of SEB Banka in Latvia.
Cash withdrawals from SEB Banka ATMs are debited from the account within 2 business days.
Contactless transactions at Swedbank ATMs with a physical card are debited from the account immediately.
Contactless transactions with Google Pay, Apple Pay, Garmin Pay or other e-wallets are debited from the account within 1–2 business days.
- up to 750 EUR a month Free of charge
- above EUR 750 a month 0.5% of the amount
Cash withdrawal in other banks’ ATMs and in other banks 2.00 + 3% of the amount When using ATMs of other banks, fees may apply in accordance with their price list.
Cash withdrawals from ATMs of other banks are debited from the account within 2 business days.
Contactless transactions at Swedbank ATMs with a physical card are debited from the account immediately.
Contactless transactions with Google Pay, Apple Pay, Garmin Pay or other e-wallets are debited from the account within 1–2 business days.
Depositing cash in Swedbank's cash deposit machines Free of charge
Cash withdrawal in ATMs Limited to 7500 EUR a month

The limit applies to all cards linked to the customer’s accounts in the aggregate.

The cash withdrawal limit can be raised to 15,000 EUR a month by contacting the bank over the phone or in person at any branch of the bank.

Depositing cash in Swedbank's cash deposit machines Limited to 5000 EUR a month The limit applies to all cards linked to the customer’s accounts in the aggregate.
In retail outlets
Cashback with a purchase Free of charge More information about shops in Latvia where the cash withdrawal service is available.

Effective from 01.01.2022

Swedbank Credit Card
Fixed Payment Credit Card Non-promoted card
Gold Revolving Credit Card Platinum Credit Card
Cash withdrawal at Swedbank ATMs and any ATM network worldwide 2 + 3% of the amount Up to 750 EUR a month free of charge,
over 750 EUR 3% of the amount
Up to 1000 EUR a month free of charge,
over 1000 EUR 3% of the amount
In case of using the ATMs of other banks, the operator of the respective ATM network may charge an ATM service fee according to the price list. If cash is withdrawn in the ATMs of other banks, the amount of that transaction will be debited from the account within 2 business days.
Depositing cash in Swedbank's cash deposit machines Free of charge (limited to 5000 EUR a month) Free of charge (limited to 5000 EUR a month) Free of charge (limited to 5000 EUR a month) The limit applies to all cards linked to the customer’s accounts in the aggregate.
In retail outlets
Cashback with a purchase Free of charge Free of charge Free of charge More information about shops in Latvia where the cash withdrawal service is available.
Cash withdrawal in ATMs 7500 EUR a month 7500 EUR a month 7500 EUR a month The cash withdrawal limit can be raised to 15,000 EUR a month by contacting the bank over the phone or in person at any branch of the bank.

Effective from 01.02.2025

Fee information

To improve transparency and comparability of fees, banks are obliged to make available the following documents:

  • The Fee Information Document (FID), which must be provided to prospective clients, and sets out pre-contractual fee information for payment account linked services.
  • List of standardized terms of services most frequently used in the Republic of Latvia and their definitions, which lists and defines payment account linked services in a standardised manner.
  • Statement of Fees (SoF), which must be provided to each client, showing an overview of fees charged and interest paid in a year. Statement of Fees will be available in customer Internetbank starting from 5 june, 2019.

documentFee information document

To improve transparency and comparability of fees, banks are obliged to make available the following documents:

  • The Fee Information Document (FID), which must be provided to prospective clients, and sets out pre-contractual fee information for payment account linked services.
  • List of standardized terms of services most frequently used in the Republic of Latvia and their definitions, which lists and defines payment account linked services in a standardised manner.
  • Statement of Fees (SoF), which must be provided to each client, showing an overview of fees charged and interest paid in a year. Statement of Fees will be available in customer Internetbank starting from 5 june, 2019.

documentList of standardized terms of services

  • For the full price list, click here.
  • All the terms and conditions are available here.

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Jūsu Internet Explorer pārlūkprogramma netiek atbalstīta.

Lūdzu izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai Microsoft Edge pārlūkprogrammu.

Ar 23.03.2021. Swedbank internetbanka vairs nav pieejama, izmantojot Internet Explorer tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu.

Tāpat nav iespējams apstiprināt Swedbank maksājumus citās vietnēs, kā arī izmantot Swedbank autentifikāciju, piemēram,

Turpmāk iesakām izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai jaunāko Microsoft Edge versiju. Uzziniet, kā uz sava datora uzstādīt kādu no minētajām pārlūkprogrammām, šeit.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

Klientu serviss - Инфо и помощь - Customer service: +371 67 444 444

  • Jūsu ierīces operētājsistēma un pārlūkprogramma ir novecojusi un netiek atbalstīta Swedbank internetbankas lietošanai. Aicinām vērsties pie Jums uzticama IT atbalsta, lai saņemtu konsultāciju un veiktu atbilstošu operētājsistēmas un pārlūkprogrammas atjauninājumu.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

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For extra security close the browser window. If you wish to continue using Internet bank, please log in again.

15% discount on home insurance

Buy home insurance at a 15% discount

Special offer until 31 March.

  • We will fully renovate your home
  • Your belongings will be insured at home and anywhere else in Latvia
  • We will reimburse for losses caused to neighbours or other persons


“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

Useful links

Legal information

Customer programmes

This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - "Swedbank" AS, "Swedbank Līzings" SIA, "Swedbank Atklātais Pensiju Fonds" AS, "Swedbank Ieguldījumu Pārvaldes Sabiedrība" AS, "Swedbank P&C Insurance" AS Latvia branch, "Swedbank Life Insurance" SE Latvia branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.