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Payment difficulties

If you're struggling to make your loan payments, we offer the following solutions:

  • Postponement of principal repayments or grace period
  • Extension of the term of agreement
  • Combining smaller loans into one bigger loan
  • Other solutions on a case-by-case basis

Customers who have insurance against borrower’s unemployment or incapacity for work, in case of losing their job, are urged to claim the insurance benefit here.

The loan period is shorter than the possible loan deferral period; please contact the bank to arrange the most suitable solution.
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In case of unexpected financial difficulties, one possible solution is a grace period meaning the option to postpone principal payments for a certain period of time, while continuing to pay only interest payments. This is an appropriate solution if the income of the borrower or their family has temporarily decreased. The grace period is usually granted for a period up to 12 months depending on the type of product (up to 3 months for car leasing, up to 6 months for consumer financing products, up to 12 months for mortgage loans) and on the borrower’s financial situation.

Things to consider:

  • After the grace period, the monthly payment will increase proportionally, as the postponed amount will be spread over the remaining term of the agreement.
  • Customers are urged to apply in due time, before they miss a repayment deadline.
  • The grace period option can usually not be used several times in a row, so we recommend applying for the maximum period.

Extension of the agreement term or repayment period can help if the borrower’s income has dropped on a permanent basis, for example, if the salary has been cut or a family member has lost their job. Extension of agreement term means that the monthly payment will decrease, whereas the loan repayment period will be prolonged.

Often, extension of the agreement term does not lead to the desired effect if the amount of obligations is large and the loan repayment period has been rather long to begin with. In such an event, the reduction in monthly payment is minor. Please take into account that, in case of a mortgage loan, the maximum loan period may not exceed 30 years.

Combining smaller loans into one bigger loan may also help in situations where the borrower’s income has dropped, for example, the salary has been cut or job has been lost, and maintaining current payments is challenging. Consolidating several loans into a single one and drawing up a longer repayment schedule will reduce the existing monthly payment and the loan obligations are discharged gradually.

Use of these solutions entails amendments to be made to your contract, as a result of which a restructuring status maybe applied to your loan, which may be taken into account in the assessment of any future lending to you. To find the most suitable solution, please contact the bank.

You can apply for any Swedbank payment difficulty solution by following the procedure described below according to the product used. If you are applying for a payment difficulty solution regarding a loan that involves a guarantor or co-borrower, ask them to fill in a guarantor’s or co-borrower’s application via Internet Banking.

If meeting existing loan obligations is expected to be out of reach in the long-run, switching the home or car could be a workable solution. Moving to a smaller apartment or switching from an expensive car to a more economical one will allow saving on payments for the apartment and fuel.

Money saved as a result of such a switch can be applied towards paying off a loan. This solution will also allow reducing monthly loan payments. We’d like to remind that the bank’s consent is mandatory for such deals, hence we suggest first consulting the bank’s specialists. Please note that finding a suitable solution for property switch may be time-consuming which means that you might have to be flexible and adapt to the circumstances.

If a lasting decline in income is expected, one of the solutions is selling the loan collateral (real estate or vehicle) as a way of avoiding the potential financial difficulties. We recommend starting the process of selling as soon as possible as in that case you’ll have more time and might fetch a better price. Consulting the bank before selling the property is a must.

Sometimes it is enough to sell one’s belongings to overcome temporary issues. By putting up an ad on the web or in paper you can sell household appliances or furniture and the money obtained will help you survive the difficult stretch. Take into account: selling items bought on hire purchase requires consent by the seller or the financing institution.

When all other options have been exhausted, an enforcement officer is engaged and asked to sell the property owned by the borrower. Such a solution is mainly applied in cases when the borrower or the lessor is not interested in resolving their situation and avoids communication with the bank: does not answer calls, regularly changes their phone number and place of residence, or has fled the country altogether.

In such cases, the Bank is forced to exercise its legal right as the creditor and unilaterally withdraw from the agreement, demanding early performance of obligations. The enforcement officer auctions the property as a result of which its price may be lower than the market price. Additionally, the debtor will also have to cover the law enforcement officer’s expenses which are roughly 10% of the outstanding obligations. To avoid such a scenario, we recommend contacting the bank immediately when problems with loan payments arise, that way looking for the most appropriate solution to the situation at hand together.

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Ar 23.03.2021. Swedbank internetbanka vairs nav pieejama, izmantojot Internet Explorer tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu.

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Turpmāk iesakām izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai jaunāko Microsoft Edge versiju. Uzziniet, kā uz sava datora uzstādīt kādu no minētajām pārlūkprogrammām, šeit.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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15% discount on home insurance

Buy home insurance at a 15% discount

Special offer until 31 March.

  • We will fully renovate your home
  • Your belongings will be insured at home and anywhere else in Latvia
  • We will reimburse for losses caused to neighbours or other persons


“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

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