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Mortgage loan



It is best to complete your application while logged in, as many fields are previously completed. The application enables us to find the most suitable solution for you and make you a personal loan offer.

Log in and apply

Completing an application does not oblige you to sign an agreement. This enables us to find the most suitable solution for you and make you a personal loan offer.

Complete an application
Special offer

Buying or building a home

Special offer for Gold Service customer: 20% discount on the agreement fee.*

  • Remote loan consultation and approval
  • Extensive Altum support programs
  • Option to choose between variable or fixed interest rate

Need to move your loan from a different bank to us

Special Offer! When buying a property in one of the new projects developed by our partners – 0 EUR agreement fee.

* If there’s a better campaign offer, the offer with the highest possible discount will be applied to you.

With support and care for what matters most to you

  • Professional and knowledgeable financing experts
  • Free advice from our construction expert
  • Wide range of insurance options in one place
  • Free agreement amendment when changing the payment date or account
  • Additional financing – a customized offer for you

Need to move your loan from a different bank to us

What are your needs?

Regular net monthly income at least 850 EUR per month after taxes, at least 1200 EUR per month with a co-applicant. Your current loan liabilities exceed the optimal monthly repayment amount. Mortgage loan is not available to you. Minimum mortgage loan amount is 20 000 euros. We recommend using the Small loan for smaller amounts. Minimum mortgage loan amount is 20 000 euros. We recommend using the Home small loan for smaller amounts. Average net income in the last 6 months. Specify the number of children of up to 18 years of age and/or number of dependants in your household.
Small loan, credit card, overdraft, line of credit, study loan and other short-term credits

Please, specify the total amount of all your existing monthly loan payments.

In monthly payments, also include details about any loans where you’re the surety and any loan obligations that you’ve assumed together with another borrower.

  • 0

Loan payment calculations are approximate and may differ from your personal offers.

The total monthly payment can’t exceed %PERCENTAGE%% of your monthly income. Select a smaller loan amount or increase the loan term. Minimum mortgage loan amount is 20 000 euros. We recommend using the Small loan for smaller amounts. Minimum mortgage loan amount is 20 000 euros. We recommend using the Home small loan for smaller amounts.
  • Down payment starting from 15%.
  • In case of Altum the down payment can be reduced down to 5%.
  • Down payment may not be needed if you collateralize your own property.


  • 0

Insure your

  • From 0
  • From 0
  • From 0

Repayment schedule

Basis for the calculation

Choose whether you would like to repay the loan on the basis of an annuity schedule or equal principal schedule.
- In case of an annuity schedule the advantage lies in the stability because the amount that you pay each month remains the same throughout the entire period.
- In case of an equal principal schedule the amount spent on interest payments is smaller. At the beginning, the repayments are larger, but each following payment is smaller than the previous one.
Payment date Balance Principal payment Interest payment Total monthly payment
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Results are approximate and may differ from conditions offered to you.

Loan and Insurance payment calculations are approximate and may differ from your personal offers. Home insurance and insurance against borrower's unemployment and incapacity for work insurance is provided by Swedbank P&C insurance AS. Life insurance is provided by Swedbank Life Insurance SE which are represented in Latvia by their branches and by the insurance agent Swedbank AS.

The minimum amount is 20000 EUR. input-error-label If you’re expecting a baby or already have at least one child of up to 23 years of age in your custody who lives with you. Regions: outside Riga, outside area surrounding Riga (Mārupe, Ķekava, Olaine, Salaspils, Ropaži, Ādaži counties) and outside Jūrmala. Read more
With Altum

Home loan with ALTUM support

Home loan without ALTUM support

Loan amount
Altum guarantee amount -
Required own investment
Programme “Support”
You may qualify for an additional grant of {0} EUR
Nearly zero-energy building -
Monthly payment 0 0
Altum’s fee for granting 0 -
Monthly fee for credit guarantee from Altum The fee will be charged automatically on a quarterly basis starting with the second year of using the guarantee. The fee is calculated from the remaining amount of the guarantee until the guarantee is terminated (a maximum of 10 years) 0 -
Land Register’s stamp duty for ownership registration 0 0

The data provided by the calculator is for information only, however it gives you an idea of what could be the size of your monthly payments for the mortgage loan.

Home exchange is a suitable solution when you wish to swap your current property for a new home that suits you better. During transitional period, pay just the interest for both loans.

Existing mortgage loan

Transitional period The transitional period is the time intended for you to be able to buy and move to the new property, sell the old property and pay off its loan.

Loan for the new property after the transitional period

Balance of loan
Period 1 year
Monthly principal repayment 0 Postponed 0
Monthly interest payment 0 0 0
Monthly total payment 0 0 0

Mortgage loan payment calculations are tentative and may be subject to change after the application is filled out and all the necessary data is submitted. When taking out a loan, consider the associated additional expenses - notary services, real estate valuation, Land Register duties etc.

  • For buying new home.
  • For building a home.
  • For purchasing land plot.
  • For moving an existing home loan from another credit institution.
  • Home exchange solution if you want to buy new property before selling old one.

More about Home Exchange solution here.

  • For other bigger expenses by collateralizing your own property.
  • For furnishing, remodelling, renovating or buying other properties (e.g. a summer house).
  • Down payment may not be needed if you collateralize your own property.

Apply for home equity loan

  1. Determine how much you can expect to borrow based on your current salary and financial commitments.
  2. If you are buying a new home through our real estate partner, ask for a discount code and information about the offer from real estate agent.
  3. Fill in the application on the Internet Banking site and get a consultation.
  4. The bank notifies you of its loan decision.
  5. Sign the loan agreement on the Internet Banking site and set up home insurance. New lending transactions may be concluded via Internet Banking between 7 AM and 10 PM. Automated aggregation and registration of data on transactions concluded during the day takes place after 10 PM and, pursuant to the Consumer Rights Protection Law, it is prohibited to enter into consumer lending contracts during night time until 7 AM.
  6. After the notarial transaction, the bank will disburse the loan.

Any property to be bought and mortgaged must be appraised by an independent valuator.

  • Loan amount from 20,000 EUR.
  • Loan up to 85% of collateral value.
  • Loan term up to 30 years.
  • Income at least 850 EUR per month after taxes, at least 1200 EUR per month with a co-applicant.
  • Available interest rates:
    • - a variable interest rate consisting of an individually set margin rate and the 6-month Euribor rate. For current Euribor rates, see here.
    • - a fixed interest rate, which is set for 5 years and, at the end of the fixing period, changes to a variable interest rate set in the agreement.
  • Additional expenses (notary, real estate valuation) and bank fees will apply to your loan.
  • Loan is repayable on the basis of annuity or amortization schedule within the agreed term by pre-determined monthly payments on your chosen payment date.
Mortgage loan interest rates Loan monthly payment interest rate change calculator

According to information received from international financial supervisory authorities, in the framework of the benchmark rate reform, the previously applied LIBOR rate needs to be replaced in all agreements where it is referenced. Consequently, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) which was applied to mortgage loans must be replaced with a different rate.

Customers whose agreements are affected by the change will be contacted by the bank personally in the nearest future. Due to the fact that Latvia is a Eurozone member state, LIBOR will be replaced with EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered Rate), which is the loan reference interest rate index for the European Union member state interbank market. The new rate will have no negative impact on customers’ monthly payments.

You are welcome to review a summary of the key questions and answers.

Questions and answers about replacement of LIBOR base rates

Due to the fact that Latvia is part of the Eurozone, LIBOR will be replaced with EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered Rate), which is the loan interest rate index for the European Union member state market. The 3, 6 or 12-month EURIBOR will be applied to your loan agreement based on the base rate period of your previous rate with LIBOR.

The total interest rate of a loan is comprised of the rate added by the bank and the variable base rate, which in your case was LIBOR.

The bank’s margin rate will not change as a result of this change. Your total interest rate will not increase with the introduction of this change, and may even decrease until the next scheduled base rate adjustment.

In the interests of our customers, the Bank is doing everything necessary to ensure that the rate change does not have a negative impact on your monthly payment amount. Your monthly payment will not increase as a result of application of the new rate, but please be advised that, just like LIBOR, EURIBOR fluctuates and may eventually increase, which may, in turn, affect your monthly loan payments in future. All current information about EURIBOR indicators and changes therein is available here:

All customers whom this change applies to will be contacted individually. Following a conversation with your banking consultant via internet banking, you will receive a message from the bank detailing the amendments to your agreement. During the consultation with the bank specialist you will agree on the signing of the amendments either in person or remotely. Upon the amendments coming into effect, a new payment schedule will be available to you, which you will be able to view via internet banking.

N.B.! Our banking consultant will not ask you to reveal your authorisation credentials or passwords.

No commission will be charged for the preparation of the amendments, and you will not be required to take any additional action.

As from the amendments to the agreement taking effect, and after the amendments are activated by the Bank, you will see a new payment schedule in your internet banking user account. The currency will be converted based on the Swedbank official exchange rate (USD to EUR) on the day of activating the amendments.

The changes within statutory regulations apply only to replacing LIBOR and the resulting changes in loan currency (if your loan currency is not EUR), all other conditions remain unchanged.

We highly value proper treatment of our customers, as well as the institutions overseeing banking operations, therefore our LIBOR replacement plan has been harmonised with the Consumer Rights Protection Centre and the Financial and Capital Market Commission.

IBOR and the transition to alternative risk-free rates

InterBank Offered Rates (IBORs) are used to set the interest rates in contracts for everything from loans and bonds to derivatives. However, as the volume of IBOR transactions has dropped, the credibility of these rates has declined. A global transition towards alternative risk-free rates based on actual transactions is underway. Swedbank will support it’s customers throughout the transition.

A key driver for the transition to risk-free rates is that the credibility of IBORs has declined. As the volume of IBOR transactions has decreased, the number of transactions has been too low to serve as an unbiased basis for the calculation of IBORs. Consequently, IBORs have been based on estimates rather than on actual transactions – a situation which has given rise to concerns about objectivity.

What the risk-free rates all have in common is that they are based on actual transactions and are retrospective. In addition, they lack maturities, so they have no credit risk. Taken together, these characteristics make Risk Free Reference rates more credible than IBORs.

InterBank Offered Rates (IBORs) are reference rates based on the rates that banks use when they lend to each other. Reference rates act as benchmarks in the pricing of financial contracts and products, and play an essential role in a well-functioning financial market. In the coming years, IBORs (like EUR LIBOR, USD LIBOR, GBP LIBOR, CHF LIBOR etc.) will be phased out and replaced with risk-free reference rates (RFRs).

What the risk-free rates all have in common is that they are based on actual transactions and are retrospective. In addition, they lack maturities, so they have no credit risk. Taken together, these characteristics make RFRs more credible than IBORs.

But due to missing term structures these new Risk Free Reference rates are less suitable for long-term financing of private customers (like in home loans) – the interest base rate is changing each day, instead of 6- or 12 month period like in mostly used IBORs in financing private customers

Following the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, a number of deficiencies related to IBORs were identified. Specifically, the rates were based on professional assessments by the participating banks rather than on actual transactions, and the underlying transaction data was at times deficient. The use of IBORs also entailed a risk that the rate-setting process could be manipulated. Accordingly, the credibility of IBORs declined during this period. As a result, government authorities tightened their requirements for internal controls. In addition, legal penalties related to IBORs increased, and banks consequently became less willing to take responsibility for IBORs.

Demand for risk-free reference rates began to increase – from market players in general, but particularly from the derivatives market. A reform of the price-setting process was seen as imperative, and efforts to develop alternatives to IBORs were launched. An international overview of the reference rates led to the development of alternative risk-free reference rates.

The reference-rate reform is driven by the market, which means that the transition is taking place at a different pace in different countries and that the new risk-free reference rates may be defined in various ways.

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority has announced that it will no longer compel banks to submit quotes to support the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) after 2021, which entails that LIBOR will be phased out after 2021.

The EU BMR, which came into full force on 1 January 2018, introduces a common framework governing administration, contribution and usage of benchmarks within the European Economic Area (EEA). It is aimed at ensuring the integrity of benchmarks used in financial contracts, financial instruments, or used to measure performance of investment funds in the EU.

It also requires that more robust fallback language exists in all relevant contracts and agreements. The purpose of fallbacks is to define the steps that will be taken to identify and agree an alternative benchmark in the event that the original benchmark ceases to be available or materially changes and what happens if an alternative cannot be agreed.


Mortgage loans

Service Price, EUR
Loan application processing Apply for via Internet Banking Free of charge
Setting up and disbursement of credit 1.2% Loan refinancing from other bank free of charge*
For Gold Service customers - 1% of the loan amount
Appraising residential property’s present market value with/without inspection 100.00 - 230.00 With inspection
- Apartment – 122.00
- Single-family residential house – 230.00
- Land plot for construction – 150.00
Without inspection
- Apartment – 100.00
- Single-family residential house – 210.00
- Land plot for construction – 130.00
Valuation by Swedbank AS is prepared in abbreviated form and is not suitable for presenting to other credit institutions, and cannot be used for the needs of other individuals or legal entities.
Appraising residential property’s future market value with/without inspection 135.00 - 260.00 With inspection
- Apartment – 155.00
- Single-family residential house – 260.00
Without inspection
- Apartment – 135.00
- Single-family residential house – 240.00
Assessing and approving a property's reconstruction or construction cost estimate 55.00 In case of construction and reconstruction of the property to be valuated - always.
Assessing and approving a property's refurbishment cost estimate 35.00 Upon bank’s request.
External valuation opinion/commentary 20.00
Interest rate Set on case-to-case basis
Interest rate revision 150,00*
Change of date of monthly payments Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge
Other changes in credit agreement 150.00 Depending on the type of changes in the agreement, it may be necessary to determine the market value of the property, for which a fee will be charged according to the Price List.
Changes in credit agreement in case of restructuring 75.00
Assessment of expenditure of funds at the construction site 50.00 - 75.00 If the loan is issued for refurbishment of property - 50.00
If the loan is issued for construction/reconstruction of property - 75.00
In case of construction and reconstruction - always.
In case of refurbishing - only upon bank's request.
Standard bank certificate (balance of the loan, interest and principal paid, overdues, loan collateral, consents, purpose of the loan) Easier via Internet Banking See Bank certificates, document requests, etc. Unless stated otherwise in the agreement.
Other type of certificates upon request Easier via Internet Banking See Bank certificates, document requests, etc.
Early partial repayment of credit Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge
Full early repayment of the loan Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge Note that there will be additional costs for notary services.
Document processing fee in case of re-financing the loan to other credit institution Free of charge

Effective from 01.10.2021.

* Valid from 01.12.2024 until 31.12.2025.

Consumer Credit for Home

Service Price, EUR
Loan disbursement Easier via Internet Banking 1% of the amount, min. 100.00 The fee is withheld from the amount of loan granted.
Interest rate From 7.9% per annum The interest rate is set for each customer individually and interest accrues on the outstanding amount of the loan.
Change of monthly payment date or the linked account Best value via Internet Banking 0.00 - 7.00 Via Internet Banking - 0.00
At branches - 7.00"
Other changes in the loan agreement Easier via Internet Banking 25.00
Early partial repayment of the credit Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge No fee will be charged if no other changes are made in the consumer credit agreement.
Full early repayment of the credit Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge

Effective from 18.04.2017.

Our financial consultants will be able to assess each situation and find the most suitable solution to make your home ownership journey as easy and cost-effective as possible.

Our experts will:

  • Explain all steps of the process
  • Advise on available financing, amount of down payment and monthly payments
  • Help with the necessary paperwork
  • Tell about the state support possibilities

Fill out the application, contact us by phone or book a video consultation. We'll support you both in signing a new agreement and in situations where questions arise and changes occur during an existing agreement.

If you plan to build or renovate your house, we offer you a unique opportunity – free advice from a construction expert.

Our construction expert will help:

  • Understand whether construction costs have been calculated in line with the market situation and the technical design
  • Evaluate the construction process and choice of materials
  • Support with advice during construction and recommendations when putting the building into operation

With the self-service feature on the Internet Banking site, you can, free of charge and at any time:

  • Change the payment date
  • Change the payment account
  • Make partial or full early repayment

If you have the opportunity to repay part or all of your loan early, you can do so free of charge as well.

If you experience difficulties covering the principal repayments, you can postpone them for up to 6 months.

A full range of insurance solutions in a single place via Internet Banking – you can easily sign contracts, make changes and submit insurance claims.

  • Home insurance: provides an all-risk cover. For example, fire, pipe rupture, natural disasters (wind, hail, thunderstorm, flood), robbery or damage accidentally caused by yourself.
  • Borrower's insurance against unemployment and incapacity for work: if you become unable to work or unemployed, you won't need to apply for a loan holiday, make changes to your loan agreement or spend your savings. Insurance will take care of that.
  • Life insurance: if you're the primary earner in your family, life insurance can offer important support in case you can no longer provide it yourself.

Better terms for our:

  • Home Small Loan
  • Credit cards
  • Solar Panel Loan
  • Home Energy Efficiency Loan
  • Home exchange solution when you wish to swap your current property for a new or bigger one

We share our expertise and that of other industry experts with our customers and the wider public - not just on financing matters, but much more broadly.

At your disposal:

  • Swedbank blog on housing topics
  • Podcast and video series "Housing Conversations”
  • Housing Meetup
  • Green House School
  • Partner open days, where our experts are also involved and provide useful advice.

What to know if you wish to refinance (move your existing mortgage loan) from another bank to Swedbank?

Monthly payment change calculator

How to refinance to Swedbank from another bank?

  • Fill out the application. In the comment field, indicate that you wish to move your loan to Swedbank.
  • Get advice on your financial options and the need for a valuation of the real estate.
  • Receive our offer.
  • Sign the loan agreement via Internet Banking.
  • Go to the notary of your choice to approve the pledge (mortgage) amendments and submit the documents to the Land Registry.
  • After the pledge has been amended in the Land Registry, the mortgage loan will be set up with Swedbank and you will be able to take advantage of all the other benefits we offer.

What conditions to consider if you wish to take out a mortgage loan with Swedbank?

  • Your after-tax income must be at least 850 EUR per month or at least 1200 EUR per month with a co-borrower.
  • The interest rate on the loan will be in line with the current market situation. You can choose between variable and fixed interest rates.
  • No down payment required.
  • There is an option to extend the term of the existing loan up to 30 years.

If you wish to refinance to Swedbank from another bank, you can take advantage of a special offer:

  • Setting up and disbursing the loan – free of charge
  • Property valuation through Swedbank – free of charge Swedbank provides property valuation in Riga, around Riga and other parts of Latvia where possible
  • Home insurance – a 15% discount*
  • Life insurance – supplementary cover against traumas (injuries) free of charge for 6 months or 50% discount on the monthly premium*
  • Gold Credit Card – for 6 months with no monthly fee (saving you EUR 30)
  • Home Small Loan – without the agreement fee (saving you at least 100 EUR)

* Offer valid if you apply for the insurance products by 31.03.2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will get a reliable long-term partner with easy loan management features via Internet Banking and professional support from financing experts free of charge for the entire duration of the loan agreement. In addition, Swedbank offers various types of insurance in one place, which can be conveniently managed via Internet Banking. In addition, you'll be able to enjoy other financial services faster and on better terms, such as consumer credit, credit cards or leasing, as well as do your daily banking in a modern mobile app. Every situation is individual, so if you decide to refinance, fill out the application. Our financing advisor will provide the most appropriate solution for your situation free of charge, based on financial calculations. The decision will be up to you. The refinancing can take up to one month, as it involves both credit institutions, a notary and the Land Registry. You need to take into account the costs of notary services and amending the mortgage in the Land Registry. We estimate that your costs will be in the range of 50-100 EUR. If the property cannot be valued by Swedbank's valuators, you will have additional costs of a few hundred euros for property valuation. No, transferring the loan obligations will have no impact on your future creditworthiness. The support for mortgage borrowers is not expected to continue in 2025.

Get in touch with us

  • If you wish to find out more about your borrowing possibilities, fill out the application for a consultation and we'll get back to you.
  • If you're looking for answers to other questions, please contact us by phone on 67 444 444 and select "Mortgage lending or leasing” as the topic (business days 8:00–18:00).

Looking for a place to call your new home?

Choose a home in one of the new projects developed by our partners and enjoy particularly favourable terms:

  • Mortgage loan disbursement free of charge
  • Real estate valuation free of charge (in and around Riga)

For a consultation, fill out an application on the Internet Banking site. After filling out the application, the consultation will be available within 1 day.

Offer valid until 31.12.2025.

Class A building

"Hartmaņa kvartāls", Jelgavas iela 55B, Rīga

In the new "Bonava Latvija" project "Hartmaņa kvartāls" in Torņakalns, nine buildings with more than 400 apartments will be built.

Class A building

"Čiekuru mājas", Druvienas street 2, Riga

In one of the greenest neighborhoods of Riga, in Mežciems, surrounded by ancient pine trees will be built a unique project of increased comfort "Čiekuru mājas".

Class A building

"Pīlādžu mājas", Tumes street 25, Riga

An energy-efficient project with a total of 190 two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments is in the making in the peaceful and green district of Ziepniekkalns.

Class A building

"Blūmendāles mājas", Prūšu street 1E, Riga

On the green bank of river Daugava, in the active neighbourhood of Ķengarags, the modern Blūmendāle Houses are being developed with 58 apartments in four buildings.

Class A building

"Ropažu 16", Ropažu street 16A and 16B, Riga

Harmoniously combining history with modernity, the Teika district is becoming an increasingly appealing choice for living near downtown.

Class A building

"Dreilinga Mājas", Robežu street and Mazā Robežu street, Riga

In the area between the circular crossings of Lubana Street and Biķerneku Street parallel to Juglas Street, an ambitious residential project is being developed in several rounds.

Class A building

"Vertikāles", Dumbrāja street 29, Riga

Vertikāles - one of the most green and modern new development projects that will have 2 buildings, stretching 7 and 13 stories high.

Class A building

"Krasta kvartāls", Krīdenera dambis 4, Grēdu street 15, Riga

The most suitable home for all lovers of the urban lifestyle, who appreciate the opportunity to spend their free time as well as easily and quickly get to any part of the city.

Class A building

"Trebū Home", Kupriču street, Riga

Trebū HOME is a new and modern residential concept in Rīga developed by combining everything that is necessary for a good and comfortable life.

Class A building

"Lucavsala", Lucavsalas iela 5, Rīga

The developer "Merks mājas" new project "Lucavsala" is located a short walk from the popular Lucavsala recreation park in Riga.

Class A building

"Mimosa",Akāciju street 82, Riga

A home where memories, dreams and inspiration are formed.

Class A building

"Merks Viesturdārzs", Rūpniecības street 27 and 33, Riga

Merks Viesturdārzs is situated in one of the most charming places in Riga - between Klusais Centrs, Andrejosta and Viesturdārzs.

Class A building

"Vītolu Parks", Vītolu iela 2 un 4, Rīga

Whether you enjoy walking, rollerblading, or cycling, there’s plenty of space to move and enjoy the fresh air.

Class A building

"Arena Garden Towers", Arēnas iela 1, Rīga

"Merks mājas" returns to Skanste with the new project "Arena Garden Towers", featuring modern apartments in four towers, each 13 stories high.

Class A building

"Merks Magnolijas", Skrīnes street 6 and 8, Riga

Merks Magnolijas will be the first residential project of the construction company Merks in Pārdaugava – Skrīnes street 6, in the Šampēteris neighbourhood!

Class A building

"Merks Mežpilsēta", Hipokrāta street 18, Mežciems

The Merks Mežpilsēta residential project is located in one of the greenest neighbourhoods in Riga – Mežciems, which makes it a preferred living environment for young families.

Class A building

Grafīts, Liepājas street 37c, Bieriņi

In one of Riga's greenest and quietest mansion neighborhoods, not far from Āgenskalns – Bierini – a new project called "Graphite" is being developed.

Class A building

"Mārpagalmi", Zemaišu street 11, Riga

In Āgenskalns, on Zemaišu Street, between Māra pond square and St. Albert's Church, a new residential quarter - Mārpagalmi - is in development, sheltered from the bustle of Mārupes Street.

Class A building

"Kaivas kvartāls", Kaivas street, Riga

A new residential block on Kaivas street will complement the expanses of Dreiliņi with five mutually compatible apartment buildings.

Class A building

"SILVAS NAMI", Dzelzavas street 104, Riga

SILVAS NAMI complex on the street. Dzelzavas 110 consists of four identical seven-storey buildings, each of which has 67 standard-class apartments and storage rooms for storing personal belongings.

Class A building

Vienības street 2, Riga

New, modern and comfortable residence in a place where the new future center of Riga is – in Tornakalns!

Class A building

"Nameja Rezidence", Raņķa dambis 5, Rīga

Nameja Rezidence will allow you to enjoy the benefits of a luxury project, living in an A+ class energy-efficient building.

Class A building

"Annenhof Mājas", Jūrmalas gatve 74, Rīga

The concept of the Annenhof Mājas project is two-three-story buildings, each building has only 20 apartments.

Class A building

"Heila Parks", Sprukstes street 13, Riga

Four-storey apartment buildings built according to Scandinavian technology on the shore of Ķīšezers lake.

Class A building

Sabiles iela13, Rīga

In the "Kļavu rezidences" project, there are 24 modern apartments with thoughtfully designed layouts, ranging from 44 to 81 square meters.

Class A building

"Muuna", Gaujas iela 5, Mārupe

An inspiring place to feel like you are in a private house with 1-4 room apartments for every taste.

"Ezera SOLO", Ezermalas street 4, Riga

Ezera SOLO is a residential project in the Mežaparks neighbourhood, consisting of 105 one- and two-bedroom apartments.

Class A building

Domesnes rezidence, Kolkasraga street 12, Riga

Domesnes, a historical name for Cape Kolka (Kolkasrags), offers a unique experience of nature’s magnificence.

Class A building

"Raunas rezidences", Raunas street 54, Riga

If you want your home to be serene yet close to the buzz of the city, then the new project “Raunas rezidences” offers exactly that.

Class A building

"Lieplejas", Čiekurkalna 5. šķērslīnija 11, Riga

The apartment house, surrounded by historic linden trees in Čiekurkalns, is the right place if you wish to escape the urban uproar and call your home, where design value, quality and functionality are combined with sustainable and A+ energy-efficient solutions that will provide low utility payments in the long term.

Class A building

"Saliena Park Apartments", Līvu street, Saliena (Piņķi)

The Park Apartments are located in Saliena and will be the right choice if you’re looking for a residence in peaceful and safe environment.

Class A building

Harmony Teika, Ķeguma iela 39, Rīga

The new housing project "Harmony Teika", located in Riga, Ķeguma Street 39, is the most suitable choice for those who want to live in an energy-efficient new project apartment, while enjoying privacy.

Class A building

"Ābeļziedu Terases", Laimdotas Street 38, Rīga

«Ābeļziedu terases» - home for a beautiful everyday life.

Class A building

“MOHO GARDEN”, Mežezera street 6 and 8, Riga

“MOHO GARDEN” – Green lifestyle in the city.

Class A building

"MOHO PARK", Koknese prospectus 2, Riga

MOHO PARK (“mo-ho” - “modern homes”) is a new, modern project of two twelve-storey residential houses in Mežaparks, Koknese Avenue 2.

"Hoffmann Rezidence", Kuģu street 13, Riga

Affordable premium apartments, overlooking River Daugava!

"Elijas Nami", Elijas iela 26

The five storey project will contain 56 apartments of two to four rooms, various layout, with space fully finished.

Class A building

Dižozoli, Gaujas iela 118, Mārupe

DIZOZOLI - A new project in Marupe that speaks for itself!

Class A building

Deglava Gleznotāju rezidence, Dravnieku street 3, Riga

Deglava Painters Rezidence is the new green spot of this charming city.

Class A building

"Skanstes Rezidences", Grostonas iela 9, Rīga

The buildings are thoughtfully designed to make maximum use of space and light. Each apartment is a perfect combination of style, functionality and innovation.

Class A building

Parka Kvartāls, Bauskas Street 97, Riga

The Park Kvartals project will have four multi-flat residential buildings.

Class A building

Ozolzīles, Mazā Zemturu iela 14, Mārupe

Third apartment building OZOLZĪLES will not just welcome you to a new apartment, but to your new home.

Class A building

Ozolzīles, Mazā Zemturu iela 10, Mārupe

OZOLZĪLES will not just welcome you to a new apartment, but to your new home – safe and fenced territory, a friendly environment and the opportunity to get to know each neighbour, convenient infrastructure and private parking, as well as storage space for each apartment.

Class A building

Lakstīgalu iela, Lakstīgalu iela 14, Baloži

Embark on the journey of family life nearby Riga!

Class A building

Apiņi, Mežmalas iela 10, Krustkalni, Ķekavas novads

On the outskirts of Riga in Krustkalni, Mežmalas street 10, in the 28-apartment building of the 1st phase of the project Apiņi, there are three- and four-room apartments with finished high-quality decoration and installed kitchen equipment

Class A building

"Mežaparka Rezidences", Ķelnes street 1, Riga

Land for construction, private houses, semi-detached houses and apartments in top-of-the-line, green and developed environment only 15 min away from the city centre.

"LOFTS& ROSEGOLD", Strelnieku street 8, Riga

The LOFTS&ROSEGOLD project is located at Strelnieku 8 in the respectable and prestige area of Riga.

Class A building

Dainas, Dainas iela 10A

114 completely new, 1 to 4 room apartments are available in the residential building in the historical center at 10a Dainas street. Apartment bookings are open!

Class A building

Lindenholma, Malduguņu iela 10

Lindenholma is a new part of the city of Riga on the border between Riga and Mārupe that offers high-class residential space.

"Philosophers Residence", Raņķa dambis 34, Riga

The philosopher residence is laid out on a large 4200 square meter territory.

Class A building

"HARMONIJA", Krapes iela 4

“HARMONIJA” – a place where everything is ideal.

Ūbeļu Nami

Ūbeļu Nami is a new apartment house project in Ādaži, Ūbeļu Street near river Gauja in the vicinity of river bend Vējupe.

Class A building

"River Breeze Residence", Kuģu street 28, Riga

River Breeze Residence in Kliversala is a truly one of a kind landmark of the city’s silhouette, located on the shore of the Daugava.

"TennisClub12 ", Burtnieku iela 14, Jurmala

A new 12 apartment project in the heart of the private sector of Jurmala.

Class A building

"R10 Apartments", Rembates street 10, Riga

Rembates 10 - a newly constructed building in a corner of Pļavnieki district.

Class A building

"BAUSKAS Home", Bauskas street 57, Riga

Our new project "Bauskas home" would suit people, who wants to live in energy-efficient home within arm's reach from cities center.

Class A building

Paleju street 52, Marupe

“Palejas” is proud of Class A energy efficiency, which combined with individual heat pumps heating equipment and in combination with heated floors in each apartment will allow you to enjoy low and controllable heating costs.

Class A building

Somu māja

For more than 20 years, we have been building energy-efficient, sustainable industrially manufactured timber frame houses from Finland in Latvia.

Class A building

Līvas grupas mājas

Houses of various sizes throughout the territory of Latvia.

Class A building

MY Cabin

MYCABIN offers high-quality Scandinavian style all-season modular houses.

Class A building

Modern House

Modern House is a manufacturer of modular and timber frame houses, building aesthetically pleasing and sustainable homes.

Class A building


Seaside houses in Mērsrags with a 5000 sqm land plot and forest landscape.


The biggest selection of new projects


In collaboration with:
  • –%
Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Hartmaņa kvartāls", Jelgavas iela 55B, Rīga

In the new "Bonava Latvija" project "Hartmaņa kvartāls" in Torņakalns, nine buildings with more than 400 apartments will be built. The construction of the first houses is planned to start in 2024. The project will be complemented by landscaped green areas, playgrounds, bicycle workshops, a basketball court, and solar panels.

Kristīna Slišāne
Phone: +371 25587264

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Hartmaņa kvartāls", Jelgavas iela 55B, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Čiekuru mājas", Druvienas street 2, Riga

In one of the greenest neighborhoods of Riga, in Mežciems, surrounded by ancient pine trees will be built a unique project of increased comfort "Čiekuru mājas" with 45 modern and beautiful apartments with 2 to 4 rooms, underfloor heating, spacious balconies and other advantages.

Kristīna Maksimoviča
Phone: +371 25587264

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Čiekuru mājas", Druvienas street 2, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Pīlādžu mājas", Tumes street 25, Riga

An energy-efficient project with a total of 190 two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments is in the making in the peaceful and green district of Ziepniekkalns. Both those looking for closeness to nature and those who want to be just a 20-minute drive from the centre of Riga will feel comfortable here. Two six-storey and one four-storey buildings will be surrounded by areas with facilities for leisure, sports and walks for grown-ups and kids.

Mareks Gražuls
Phone: +371 27884222

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Pīlādžu mājas", Tumes street 25, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Blūmendāles mājas", Prūšu street 1E, Riga

On the green bank of river Daugava, in the active neighbourhood of Ķengarags, the modern Blūmendāle Houses are being developed with 58 apartments in four buildings. In addition to a balcony and personal storage space, the residents will enjoy the opportunity to use the green space with playgrounds and sports grounds.

Jeļena Roze
Phone: +371 28493499

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Blūmendāles mājas", Prūšu street 1E, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Ropažu 16", Ropažu street 16A and 16B, Riga

Harmoniously combining history with modernity, the Teika district is becoming an increasingly appealing choice for living near downtown. Ropažu 16, a development project situated in the historical, tranquil territory of Vidzeme bakery, offers 220 two- to four-room apartments in three five-storey buildings.

Jeļena Roze
Phone: +371 28493499

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Ropažu 16", Ropažu street 16A and 16B, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Dreilinga Mājas", Robežu street and Mazā Robežu street, Riga

In the area between the circular crossings of Lubana Street and Biķerneku Street parallel to Juglas Street, an ambitious residential project is being developed in several rounds. The new home and residence will certainly be liked by families, as their greatest value will be the peaceful atmosphere provided by harmonious contemporary suburban architecture and freedom.

Jeļena Roze
Phone: +371 28493499

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Dreilinga Mājas", Robežu street and Mazā Robežu street, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Vertikāles", Dumbrāja street 29, Riga

Vertikāles - one of the most green and modern new development projects that will have 2 buildings, stretching 7 and 13 stories high. The apartments will feature French windows, an underfloor heating system and a ventilation system with recuperation, as well as a balcony and personal storage room for each apartment.

Kristīna Maksimoviča
Phone: +371 25587264

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Vertikāles", Dumbrāja street 29, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Krasta kvartāls", Krīdenera dambis 4, Grēdu street 15, Riga

The most suitable home for all lovers of the urban lifestyle, who appreciate the opportunity to spend their free time as well as easily and quickly get to any part of the city. The Krasta Kvartals is realized in stages, offering buyers to choose the most suitable housing in terms of area, layout, level of decoration and price. It is planned to build six nine-story buildings with 500 apartments in the fenced area. The apartments on the upper floors offer a great view of the Daugava and the city at any time of the year.

Mareks Gražuls
Phone: +371 27884222

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Krasta kvartāls", Krīdenera dambis 4, Grēdu street 15, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Trebū Home", Kupriču street, Riga

Trebū HOME is a new and modern residential concept in Rīga developed by combining everything that is necessary for a good and comfortable life so that you can truly enjoy your home. We have used modern technological solutions to provide classical home values to our residents, including comfort, energy efficiency, and safe environment.

Marina Šablovska
Phone: +371 67846525, +371 28660037

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Trebū Home", Kupriču street, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Lucavsala", Lucavsalas iela 5, Rīga

The developer "Merks mājas" new project "Lucavsala" is located a short walk from the popular Lucavsala recreation park in Riga. The project will offer 1-4 room apartments with high-quality interior finishes. Special emphasis in this project is placed on a variety of amenities to suit residents of all ages.

Inese Berga
Phone: +371 29 257 388

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Lucavsala", Lucavsalas iela 5, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Mimosa",Akāciju street 82, Riga

A home where memories, dreams and inspiration are formed. Mimosa" – these are 70 modern apartments in Riga, Imanta - 70 new life stories, new trips to build your own home, a new exciting page in the book of life! Apartments are located in a modern apartment building with 9 floors with a convenient elevator up to the basement. At the building car parking and in thoughts of the younger generation, a safe children's playground. "Mimosa" will be a thriving and harmonious environment in which young and active people, families with children and elderly residents will feel equally good.

Andris Dzirnieks
Phone: +371 2 733 0063

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Mimosa",Akāciju street 82, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Merks Viesturdārzs", Rūpniecības street 27 and 33, Riga

The developer "Merks mājas" project "Viesturdārzs" is the largest residential building complex in the Quiet Center. It balances a well-maintained environment, proximity to the city center, the historical charm of the surroundings, and modern comfort. At the heart of this project's philosophy are the people who will live here. The "Viesturdārzs" residential complex has been implemented in three phases, constructing a total of 350 apartments of various sizes, all characterized by high quality and modern layouts. The apartments are ready for living and come with high-quality interior finishes.

Inese Berga
Phone: +371 25453011

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Merks Viesturdārzs", Rūpniecības street 27 and 33, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Vītolu Parks", Vītolu iela 2 un 4, Rīga

Whether you enjoy walking, rollerblading, or cycling, there’s plenty of space to move and enjoy the fresh air. Shops and the city are within close proximity, so everything you need is just a stone's throw away. Experience the best of both worlds at Vītolu Parks, where nature and convenience come together.

Henrijs Skujiņš
Phone: 288 68 652

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Vītolu Parks", Vītolu iela 2 un 4, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Arena Garden Towers", Arēnas iela 1, Rīga

"Merks mājas" returns to Skanste with the new project "Arena Garden Towers", featuring modern apartments in four towers, each 13 stories high. The apartments have contemporary and functional layouts in A+ energy efficiency buildings. Each apartment comes with full interior finishes, infrastructure for air cooling system connections, and a balcony or terrace.

Inese Berga
Phone: +371 29 257 388

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Arena Garden Towers", Arēnas iela 1, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Merks Magnolijas", Skrīnes street 6 and 8, Riga

The developer "Merks mājas" new project "Magnolijas" is located in Pārdaugava, in the Šampēteris neighborhood. It offers 3-4 room apartments with high-quality interior finishes. To ensure lower monthly utility bills for residents, solar panels and hot water collectors are installed on the roofs of the buildings. Around the buildings, there is a cozy and well-maintained area with relaxation zones and a modern children's playground. The small three-story buildings fit perfectly into the low-rise surroundings with neat private houses and well-kept gardens.

Inese Berga
Phone: +371 29 257 388

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Merks Magnolijas", Skrīnes street 6 and 8, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Merks Mežpilsēta", Hipokrāta street 18, Mežciems

The developer "Merks mājas" project "Mežpilsēta" is a new residential building complex located in one of the greenest neighborhoods of Riga – Mežciems. The new apartments are situated in a great location between the Dreiliņupīte stream and the forest, where you can enjoy leisurely walks in the pine forest. The project offers 2-3 room apartments with high-quality interior finishes.

Inese Berga
Phone: +371 25453011

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Merks Mežpilsēta", Hipokrāta street 18, Mežciems Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Grafīts, Liepājas street 37c, Bieriņi

In one of Riga's greenest and quietest mansion neighborhoods, not far from Āgenskalns – Bierini – a new project called "Graphite" is being developed. In the four-story "Graphite" there are 72 two-, three- and four-room apartments. Well-thought-out and ergonomic layouts, high-class finishing materials, energy-efficient solutions, comfortable parking lots, landscaped courtyard.

Pārdošanas birojs
Phone: +371 25608080

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Grafīts, Liepājas street 37c, Bieriņi
  • –100%
Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Mārpagalmi", Zemaišu street 11, Riga

In Āgenskalns, on Zemaišu Street, between Māra pond square and St. Albert's Church, a new residential quarter - Mārpagalmi - is in development, sheltered from the bustle of Mārupes Street. In this project we offer 1-4 room apartments in standard and comfort class.

Pārdošanas birojs
Phone: +371 25608080

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Mārpagalmi", Zemaišu street 11, Riga
  • –100%
Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Kaivas kvartāls", Kaivas street, Riga

A new residential block on Kaivas street will complement the expanses of Dreiliņi with five mutually compatible apartment buildings. Access to the block will be from Kaivas Street, while the car can be conveniently parked both in the underground parking lot and in the yard. 2, 3 and 4-room comfort class apartments are available for residents of the block

Pārdošanas birojs
Phone: +371 25608080

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Kaivas kvartāls", Kaivas street, Riga
  • –100%
Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"SILVAS NAMI", Dzelzavas street 104, Riga

Project Silva houses are located at Dzelzavas Street 104. The fifth house is being built in the complex, which houses standard-class apartments and warehouses for placing personal belongings. Modern and functional two-, three- and four-room apartments with an area from 41 m2 to 73 m2, full finishing, well-thought-out technical solutions and everything necessary for starting a comfortable life are available for purchase.

Pārdošanas birojs
Phone: +371 25608080

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"SILVAS NAMI", Dzelzavas street 104, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Vienības street 2, Riga

New, modern and comfortable residence in a place where the new future center of Riga is – in Tornakalns! 1-5 room apartments with diverse layout and large panoramic windows. Terraces, balconies and roof gardens in the area of 5.7 m2 – 60 m2, as well as a safe, closed private courtyard.

Inga Ārgale
Phone: +371 2 644 4472

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Vienības street 2, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Nameja Rezidence", Raņķa dambis 5, Rīga

Nameja Rezidence will allow you to enjoy the benefits of a luxury project, living in an A+ class energy-efficient building. The project is located opposite the park, next to the National Library. There are 38 apartments of different sizes in the building. Wide windows are designed to ensure good lighting. The balconies or loggias for each apartment allow you to enjoy the proximity of nature.

Olita Mestere
Phone: +371 26603222

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Nameja Rezidence", Raņķa dambis 5, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Annenhof Mājas", Jūrmalas gatve 74, Rīga

The concept of the Annenhof Mājas project is two-three-story buildings, each building has only 20 apartments. The project includes wide windows, creating a harmonious facade. The apartments on the first floors of the buildings are equipped with wide terraces.

Olita Mestere
Phone: +371 26603222

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Annenhof Mājas", Jūrmalas gatve 74, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Heila Parks", Sprukstes street 13, Riga

Four-storey apartment buildings built according to Scandinavian technology on the shore of Ķīšezers lake with a developed swimming place, boat dock, bicycle rack, children's playgrounds and sports grounds. A+ energy efficiency, a recuperation system in each apartment. Excellent sound insulation. High-speed elevator. Full decoration.

Elīna Dūce
Phone: +371 29278593

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Heila Parks", Sprukstes street 13, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Sabiles iela13, Rīga

In the "Kļavu rezidences" project, there are 24 modern apartments with thoughtfully designed layouts, ranging from 44 to 81 square meters. The residences are surrounded by a spacious and green garden, featuring three magnificent maple trees, which inspired the project's name. The green courtyard will serve as a perfect place to relax after a busy workday or enjoy the leisurely pace of the weekend.

Krists Dilba
Phone: +37129391615

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Sabiles iela13, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Muuna", Gaujas iela 5, Mārupe

An inspiring place to feel like you are in a private house with 1-4 room apartments for every taste. "Muuna" is the new quiet center of Mārupe with an impressive green courtyard, authentic building and its own private community.

Kristīne Bišmeistare
Phone: +371 24228900

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Muuna", Gaujas iela 5, Mārupe Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Ezera SOLO", Ezermalas street 4, Riga

Ezera SOLO is a residential project in the Mežaparks neighbourhood, consisting of 105 one- and two-bedroom apartments. The building is located in a quiet, green, enclosed area with paved walkways, a children's playground and a green area for relaxation. Ezera SOLO will be a suitable home for those who appreciate the proximity to nature and the possibility to easily get to any part of Riga in a short time.

Dace Sīle
Phone: +371 29406360

  • 50% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

In collaboration with:
"Ezera SOLO", Ezermalas street 4, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Domesnes rezidence, Kolkasraga street 12, Riga

Domesnes, a historical name for Cape Kolka (Kolkasrags), offers a unique experience of nature’s magnificence. Nestled amidst Āgenskalns’ old trees, this residence unites good neighbours, functionality, and A-class energy efficiency, creating a home with a distinct aura, design, and economic value. The building qualifies as almost zero-energy, meeting high energy efficiency standards. Its roof is equipped with 11 kW solar panels, generating electricity for hot water and circulation by energy consumption class A. This leads to a significant reduction in utility bills.

Pārdošanas daļa
Phone: +371 29213322

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Domesnes rezidence, Kolkasraga street 12, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Raunas rezidences", Raunas street 54, Riga

If you want your home to be serene yet close to the buzz of the city, then the new project “Raunas rezidences” offers exactly that. It’s a place where you can grow and see your and your city’s bright future.

Voldemārs Siliņš
Phone: +371 29213322

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Raunas rezidences", Raunas street 54, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Lieplejas", Čiekurkalna 5. šķērslīnija 11, Riga

The apartment house, surrounded by historic linden trees in Čiekurkalns, is the right place if you wish to escape the urban uproar and call your home, where design value, quality and functionality are combined with sustainable and A+ energy-efficient solutions that will provide low utility payments in the long term.

Eduards Siliņš
Phone: +371 29457437

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Lieplejas", Čiekurkalna 5. šķērslīnija 11, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Saliena Park Apartments", Līvu street, Saliena (Piņķi)

The Park Apartments are located in Saliena and will be the right choice if you’re looking for a residence in peaceful and safe environment. The apartments feel spacious and airy thanks to the large windows, terraces and balconies, offering a view of the green parks of Saliena. The housing development boasts excellent infrastructure that provides fast connection with the capital and the nearly Jurmala resort town.

Evita Čentoricka
Phone: +371 67600888, +371 27877000

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Saliena Park Apartments", Līvu street, Saliena (Piņķi) Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Harmony Teika, Ķeguma iela 39, Rīga

The new housing project "Harmony Teika", located in Riga, Ķeguma Street 39, is the most suitable choice for those who want to live in an energy-efficient new project apartment, while enjoying privacy. In this project there is only one four-storey house with 48 apartments - with one and a half, three, four rooms - and a well-thought-out ergonomic layout. The new project has glazed loggias, personal storage room, bicycle parking for a comfortable and organized environment. Large elevators and wide doorways make the environment accessible to families with prams.

Kristīne Kolneja
Phone: +371 27301119

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Harmony Teika, Ķeguma iela 39, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Ābeļziedu Terases", Laimdotas Street 38, Rīga

«Ābeļziedu terases» - home for a beautiful everyday life. In the new project "Abelziedu terases", in Teika, Laimdotas Street 38, two four-storey houses will be built, with 72 two- to four-room apartments with terraces or balconies surrounded by beautiful deciduous trees.

Oksana Pedele
Phone: +371 27744500

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Ābeļziedu Terases", Laimdotas Street 38, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

“MOHO GARDEN”, Mežezera street 6 and 8, Riga

“MOHO GARDEN” – Green lifestyle in the city. The real estate developer "Kaamos" in full swing implements the construction of a new apartment project "Moho Garden" in Mežaparks, continuing to build high-quality Scandinavian design housing. Two nine-storey buildings with a total of 128 two- to four-room apartments and class A energy efficiency are planned to be completed by the end of 2024.

Laura Ozola
Phone: +371 24113232

Oksana Pedele
Phone: +371 27744500

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
“MOHO GARDEN”, Mežezera street 6 and 8, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"MOHO PARK", Koknese prospectus 2, Riga

MOHO PARK (“mo-ho” - “modern homes”) is a new, modern project of two twelve-storey residential houses in Mežaparks, Koknese Avenue 2. Almost zero energy buildings with high quality finishing, underfloor heating, recuperation system and glazed balconies. Each building has 2 elevators, solar panels on the roof.

Laura Ozola
Phone: +371 24113232

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"MOHO PARK", Koknese prospectus 2, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Hoffmann Rezidence", Kuģu street 13, Riga

Affordable premium apartments, overlooking River Daugava! Comfortable 1-4 room apartments with views of the Old Town and River Daugava, well-developed infrastructure and only a 5-minute walk from the city center. Advantages: High ceilings, reduced real estate tax, reconstructed building, reinforced covers, wooden windows, elevator, air recuperation.

Rolands Purmalis
Phone: +371 29123126

  • 25% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

In collaboration with:
"Hoffmann Rezidence", Kuģu street 13, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Elijas Nami", Elijas iela 26

The five storey project will contain 56 apartments of two to four rooms, various layout, with space fully finished. The project is distinguished by the four room apartments, for there is no sufficient offer in the market currently, and they will be available for acquisition at democratic prices.

Kristīne Dubane
Phone: +371 20207057

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

In collaboration with:
"Elijas Nami", Elijas iela 26 Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Dižozoli, Gaujas iela 118, Mārupe

DIZOZOLI - A new project in Marupe that speaks for itself! A modern and energy-efficient project with glass facades, the largest landscaped area and overthought apartment plans. Great location and orderly environment for Your new home! AS A GIFT - Parking and Storage!

Anna Plaude
Phone: +371 26585555

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Dižozoli, Gaujas iela 118, Mārupe Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Deglava Gleznotāju rezidence, Dravnieku street 3, Riga

Deglava Painters Rezidence is the new green spot of this charming city. We are proud to present our residential project, with large and beautiful green spaces, located in Plavnieki area. Our inspiration is based on colorful vibes from 6 great painters that changed the world’s perspective on art. It is our turn to create a beautiful residential area where you can live happily and raise your children. Our buildings will be made in 3 construction stages. The first 2, buildings, with a total of 152 units, will have a mix of 1, 2, 3, and 4 rooms, parking area, storages and commercial spaces.

Oskars Lubavs
Phone: +371 24778822

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Deglava Gleznotāju rezidence, Dravnieku street 3, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Skanstes Rezidences", Grostonas iela 9, Rīga

The buildings are thoughtfully designed to make maximum use of space and light. Each apartment is a perfect combination of style, functionality and innovation. Class A energy efficiency buildings have a heating and cooling system that uses energy piles.

Henrijs Skujiņš
Phone: 288 68 652

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Skanstes Rezidences", Grostonas iela 9, Rīga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Parka Kvartāls, Bauskas Street 97, Riga

The Park Kvartals project will have four multi-flat residential buildings, each with flour floors. Each flat will have lots of natural light and a private garden or balcony where residents can enjoy the closeness of nature that is provided by trees, a well-planned area, and pleasant views of the surrounding area. This is a symbol of a harmonious way of life.

Rolands Purmalis
Phone: +371 29123126

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Parka Kvartāls, Bauskas Street 97, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Ozolzīles, Mazā Zemturu iela 14, Mārupe

Third apartment building OZOLZĪLES will not just welcome you to a new apartment, but to your new home – small, quiet street, only nine apartments in building, a friendly environment and the opportunity to get to know each neighbour, convenient infrastructure and private parking, as well as storage space and balcony for each apartment. Recuperator in each apartment and heating with a heat pump to achieve a Class A+ energy efficiency level. The third building of OZOLZĪLES will have nine apartments with a total area of 68 to 95 square metres.

Līga Neimane
Phone: +371 26442474

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Ozolzīles, Mazā Zemturu iela 14, Mārupe Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Ozolzīles, Mazā Zemturu iela 10, Mārupe

OZOLZĪLES will not just welcome you to a new apartment, but to your new home – safe and fenced territory, a friendly environment and the opportunity to get to know each neighbour, convenient infrastructure and private parking, as well as storage space for each apartment. Fresh and high-quality air in each apartment, well-considered technical solutions and use of sustainable materials, with a special focus on sound insulation and saving of the nature resources, thus achieving a Class A energy efficiency level. The first building of OZOLZĪLES will have nine apartments with a total area of 73.2 to 142.8 square metres.

Austra Grīnberga
Phone: +371 26453307

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Ozolzīles, Mazā Zemturu iela 10, Mārupe Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Lakstīgalu iela, Lakstīgalu iela 14, Baloži

Embark on the journey of family life nearby Riga! Are you considering Riga Agglomeration as your new home, while staying proximate to the blend of cultural offerings and social life of the bustling capital, look no further than Baloži, Lakstīgalu Street 14, just 9 kilometers from Riga's centre.

Ilze Zarāne
Phone: +371 22311461

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Lakstīgalu iela, Lakstīgalu iela 14, Baloži Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Apiņi, Mežmalas iela 10, Krustkalni, Ķekavas novads

On the outskirts of Riga in Krustkalni, Mežmalas street 10, in the 28-apartment building of the 1st phase of the project Apiņi, there are three- and four-room apartments with finished high-quality decoration and installed kitchen equipment. Beautiful, modern design, large panoramic windows, balconies and terraces, heating in the building is provided by an economical system of heat pumps and heated floors, underground parking spaces are available.

Anda Eņģele
Phone: +371 29424924

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Apiņi, Mežmalas iela 10, Krustkalni, Ķekavas novads Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Mežaparka Rezidences", Ķelnes street 1, Riga

Land for construction, private houses, semi-detached houses and apartments in top-of-the-line, green and developed environment only 15 min away from the city centre. The author of the concept for the project’s built environment is Andris Kronbergs (ARHIS). Architecture of the buildings has been designed by well-known architects in Latvia like Reinis Liepiņš and Gatis Didrihsons, as well as the US architect Vladimir Arsene (Westfourth Architecture).

Oksana Dmitrijeva
Phone: +371 28660033

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"Mežaparka Rezidences", Ķelnes street 1, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"LOFTS& ROSEGOLD", Strelnieku street 8, Riga

The LOFTS&ROSEGOLD project is located at Strelnieku 8 in the respectable and prestige area of Riga. The project comprises of a new 7-storey multi-apartment residential building united with the 4-storey architectural landmark building accomplished in the Neo-Renaissance style through a glass gallery. There are several planning concepts for this building. One is the separation into Loft apartments.

Jānis Mednis
Phone: +371 67885593

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

In collaboration with:
"LOFTS& ROSEGOLD", Strelnieku street 8, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Dainas, Dainas iela 10A

114 completely new, 1 to 4 room apartments are available in the residential building in the historical center at 10a Dainas street. Apartment bookings are open!

Rolands Purmalis
Phone: +371 29123126

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Dainas, Dainas iela 10A Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Lindenholma, Malduguņu iela 10

Lindenholma is a new part of the city of Riga on the border between Riga and Mārupe that offers high-class residential space. A new residential neighbourhood in Riga’s most sought-after district where one can enjoy balance between the convenience of living in a city and green surroundings, motion or peace, as well as great infrastructure.

Anna Vaskāne
Phone: +371 26338833

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Lindenholma, Malduguņu iela 10 Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"Philosophers Residence", Raņķa dambis 34, Riga

The philosopher residence is laid out on a large 4200 square meter territory. The project has 115 apartments, two apartment houses (22 floors and 23 floor), joined by underground parking lot for 121 car. The philosopher residence - it is breath-taking views from French windows, balconies and terraces overlooking Daugava, Old Riga and the green Ķīpsala, as well as being conveniently situated in city centre and at the same time protected from all the bustle and noise.

Jānis Mednis
Phone: +371 25446355

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

In collaboration with:
"Philosophers Residence", Raņķa dambis 34, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"HARMONIJA", Krapes iela 4

Harmonija – a comfortable A-class energy-efficient house for modern people, where everything you need is available without overpaying. Place where everything is ideal. Breathe in the fresh pine forest air and get inspired while going for a walk in the green neighbourhood of Mežaparks or playing golf. This is a place where you can improve and grow. This housing complex is built in a place which will provide strength and energy for reaching new heights.

Vera Zolotuhina
Phone: +371 26148011

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"HARMONIJA", Krapes iela 4 Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Ūbeļu Nami

Ūbeļu Nami is a new apartment house project in Ādaži, Ūbeļu Street near river Gauja in the vicinity of river bend Vējupe. Proximity of Riga, connection with nature and excellently developed infrastructure make Ādaži an attractive home for young people, families with children and those who will choose Ādaži as their home. All apartments in Ūbeļu Nami will be offered for sale with full interior decoration.

Ginta Brigmane
Phone: +371 2022 0056

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

In collaboration with:
Ūbeļu Nami Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"River Breeze Residence", Kuģu street 28, Riga

River Breeze Residence in Kliversala is a truly one of a kind landmark of the city’s silhouette, located on the shore of the Daugava. Premium apartments offer a view to the panorama of Old Riga and its tower. Located right at the heart of Riga and yet making you feel like living in a quiet and green garden city. River Breeze Residence is a unique home for people who value high quality and enjoy modern architecture and well considered green living environment in the best location.

Una Pilmane
Phone: +371 22084598

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"River Breeze Residence", Kuģu street 28, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"TennisClub12 ", Burtnieku iela 14, Jurmala

A new 12 apartment project in the heart of the private sector of Jurmala. On the border between Rāga Kapa Nature Park and Lielupe Tennis Center.

Alekss Bogatovs
Phone: +371 20200180

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.

"TennisClub12 ", Burtnieku iela 14, Jurmala Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"R10 Apartments", Rembates street 10, Riga

The complex consists of two 10-storey residential buildings set in a well-developed 1.7 ha plot. The entire area has greened and enclosed by hedges and a fence. The entrance is equipped with a two-section automatic gate and wicket gate. In the yard there is an outfitted children's playground, a sports court, two-level parking lot.

Žanete Balode
Phone: +371 28672407

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"R10 Apartments", Rembates street 10, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

"BAUSKAS Home", Bauskas street 57, Riga

Our new project "Bauskas home" would suit people, who wants to live in energy-efficient home within arm's reach from cities center. Bauskas home - is a project of an apartment house, which gives an opportunity to live in a quiet and peaceful environment. The building made of high quality materials only, energy index of the building is A+.

Vladislavs Zeļenskis
Phone: +371 29001551

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
"BAUSKAS Home", Bauskas street 57, Riga Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Paleju street 52, Marupe

“Palejas” is proud of Class A energy efficiency, which combined with individual heat pumps heating equipment and in combination with heated floors in each apartment will allow you to enjoy low and controllable heating costs. Adjustable air recuperation equipment will take care of the air quality. “Palejas” has everything for a comfortable, high-quality and peaceful life!

Jānis Breidaks
Phone: +371 25666180

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Paleju street 52, Marupe Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Somu māja

For more than 20 years, we have been building energy-efficient, sustainable industrially manufactured timber frame houses from Finland in Latvia. Our experience allows us to offer our clients not only standard designs developed by architects, but also the opportunity to adapt projects to all the wishes of the client and the specifics of a specific land plot. We are a full-service construction service company, to which more than 900 Latvian families have entrusted the construction of their home.

Phone: +371 66103030

  • 50% off the loan disbursement fee.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Somu māja Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Līvas grupas mājas

Houses of various sizes throughout the territory of Latvia. Līvas Grupa provides a modern and fully equipped energy-efficient, rationally planned living space that can be installed within two weeks. The benefits of factory-built houses are undeniable.

Phone: +371 29426766

  • 50% off the loan disbursement fee.
  • Valuation - free of charge.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Līvas grupas mājas Find out possibilitiesFill in application

MY Cabin

MYCABIN offers high-quality Scandinavian style all-season modular houses. Houses are made at the MYCABIN plant and can be installed in finished form anywhere, on any plot. Milla 60 houses can be handed over ready in 3 months.

Phone: +371 26369666

  • 50% off the loan disbursement fee.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
MY Cabin Find out possibilitiesFill in application

Modern House

Modern House is a manufacturer of modular and timber frame houses, building aesthetically pleasing and sustainable homes. Our team consists of confident individuals and professionals who select the best solutions and materials.

Phone: +371 25666622

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

In collaboration with:
Modern House Find out possibilitiesFill in application


Seaside houses in Mērsrags with a 5000 sqm land plot and forest landscape. Timber frame house, built of quality materials, equipped with a heat pump, air recuperation, solar panels, panoramic windows and a built-in veranda that passes into the outdoor terrace. Five houses are offered, where each building is built according to the original project to form a small village on the seashore.

Phone: +371 29256081

  • 100% off the loan disbursement fee.

Complies with energy efficiency standards of Class A.

Sūnlauki Find out possibilitiesFill in application

CITY24.LV – the place where you’ll find the most comprehensive offer of new projects! Enter and check out the biggest collection of new projects all in one place!

In collaboration with:
CITY24.LV Find out possibilitiesFill in application

The property being pledged requires an appraisal carried out by certified real estate valuator for bank-lending purposes and intended for submitting to Swedbank.

Real estate can be appraised by real estate valuators approved by Swedbank. All valuations performed by an accepted real estate appraiser above the set limit or by a appraiser not included in the list as well as all forest valuations that contain the value of the forest stand, will be verified by Swedbank.

Swedbank may review any external appraisal received (also ones by the approved valuators) and accordingly revise the market value stated there if it is not based on well-founded assumptions and does not represent the market situation at the time of valuation.

Real estate valuators approved by Swedbank

Company Address Telephone Real estate type / restrictions
Arco Real Estate Blaumaņa iela 5a-1, Rīga 67365555 Commercial real estate valuations with market value:
– Up to 300,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 300,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
Residential property valuation – no limit
Balanss-V Stabu iela 47-2, Riga 26277709 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 150,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 150,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
Colliers International Advisor Satekles iela 2B - 512, Rīga 67783333 Valuation of all property types
Eiroeksperts K. Valdemāra iela 20-9, Rīga 67365999 Residential property valuation
Latio Elizabetes iela 21A, Riga 67032300 Valuation of all property types
Langes pils Dzirnavu iela 31-1, Rīga 67505676 Residential property valuation
LVKV Rīgas iela 39, Valmiera 64207022 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 100,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 100,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
Newsec Valuations LV Vesetas iela 7, Riga 67508400 Valuation of all property types
Nira Fonds Brīvības iela 73-1, Rīga 67216678, 27011887 Residential property valuation
Ober Haus Vērtēšanas serviss Gustava Zemgales gatve 76, Rīga 29557121, 67284544 Residential property valuation
PRIME Experts Kr. Valdemāra iela 33A-14A, Rīga 22006653 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 150,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 150,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
RE eksperts Ernestīnes iela 12, Rīga 67544380, 26683829 Valuation of all property types
Tribus Vērtēšana Baznīcas iela 7-1, Riga 29416264 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 150,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 150,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
VCG Ekspertu grupa Kr. Barona iela 31, Rīga 29722989, 67229008 Residential property valuation
Jelgava 29543033, 63082556 Residential property valuation
Vestabalt K. Barona iela 11-47, Riga 67323608, 26477700 Residential property valuation
Vindeks Lāčplēša iela 14, Rīga 67285403, 29235485 Residential property valuation

If you want your property to be valuated simply, conveniently and fast, let Swedbank valuators take care of that! Swedbank valuations are prepared in abbreviated form and are not suitable for presenting to other credit institutions and cannot be used for the needs of other individuals or legal entities. The fee for Swedbank valuations is charged according to the bank’s price list.

For the possibilities of obtaining real estate valuation from Swedbank, ask your financial consultant at the bank!

Favourable % rate!

A loan suitable for energy efficient solutions in your house.

For property purchase or renovation of your own property.


Will keep you safe from losses which may occur at the home due to various mishaps.

Insurance that helps you with loan repayments in case of losing your job or capacity for work.

Real estate valuators approved by Swedbank

The property being pledged requires an appraisal carried out by certified real estate valuator for bank-lending purposes and intended for submitting to Swedbank.

Real estate can be appraised by real estate valuators approved by Swedbank. All valuations performed by an accepted real estate appraiser above the set limit or by a appraiser not included in the list as well as all forest valuations that contain the value of the forest stand, will be verified by Swedbank.

Swedbank may review any external appraisal received (also ones by the approved valuators) and accordingly revise the market value stated there if it is not based on well-founded assumptions and does not represent the market situation at the time of valuation.

Real estate valuators approved by Swedbank

Company Address Telephone Real estate type / restrictions
Arco Real Estate Blaumaņa iela 5a-1, Rīga 67365555 Commercial real estate valuations with market value:
– Up to 300,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 300,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
Residential property valuation – no limit
Balanss-V Stabu iela 47-2, Riga 26277709 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 150,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 150,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
Colliers International Advisor Satekles iela 2B - 512, Rīga 67783333 Valuation of all property types
Eiroeksperts K. Valdemāra iela 20-9, Rīga 67365999 Residential property valuation
Latio Elizabetes iela 21A, Riga 67032300 Valuation of all property types
Langes pils Dzirnavu iela 31-1, Rīga 67505676 Residential property valuation
LVKV Rīgas iela 39, Valmiera 64207022 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 100,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 100,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
Newsec Valuations LV Vesetas iela 7, Riga 67508400 Valuation of all property types
Nira Fonds Brīvības iela 73-1, Rīga 67216678, 27011887 Residential property valuation
Ober Haus Vērtēšanas serviss Gustava Zemgales gatve 76, Rīga 29557121, 67284544 Residential property valuation
PRIME Experts Kr. Valdemāra iela 33A-14A, Rīga 22006653 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 150,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 150,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
RE eksperts Ernestīnes iela 12, Rīga 67544380, 26683829 Valuation of all property types
Tribus Vērtēšana Baznīcas iela 7-1, Riga 29416264 Residential property valuation with market value:
– Up to 150,000 EUR – no limit
– Above 150,000 EUR require opinion by the bank’s valuator
VCG Ekspertu grupa Kr. Barona iela 31, Rīga 29722989, 67229008 Residential property valuation
Jelgava 29543033, 63082556 Residential property valuation
Vestabalt K. Barona iela 11-47, Riga 67323608, 26477700 Residential property valuation
Vindeks Lāčplēša iela 14, Rīga 67285403, 29235485 Residential property valuation

If you want your property to be valuated simply, conveniently and fast, let Swedbank valuators take care of that! Swedbank valuations are prepared in abbreviated form and are not suitable for presenting to other credit institutions and cannot be used for the needs of other individuals or legal entities. The fee for Swedbank valuations is charged according to the bank’s price list.

For the possibilities of obtaining real estate valuation from Swedbank, ask your financial consultant at the bank!

Home loan with state support for families with children

If you’re expecting a baby or already have at least one child of up to 23 years of age in your custody who lives with you, and you’re planning to buy or build a home costing up to 250,000 EUR, apply for a loan with state support.

The size of the guarantee depends on the number of children in the family, including the child expected.

  1. If there is 1 minor child in the family, the guarantee is 10% but not more than 10,000 EUR.
  2. If there are 2 children in the family, the guarantee is 10-15% but not more than 15,000 EUR.
  3. If there are 3 children in the family, the guarantee is 10-20% but not more than 20,000 EUR.
  4. If there are 4 or more children in the family, the guarantee is 10-30% but not more than 30,000 EUR.
  5. If you’re buying a class-A energy efficient residential property, the amount of the guarantee may be increased by 5%.
  6. If you’ve used an Altum guarantee before, you can do it again if:
    • at least 3 years have passed since receiving the first guarantee;
    • the guarantee is already discharged;
    • the number of children in the family has increased since receiving the first guarantee.
  • Regular monthly income.
  • Positive credit history
  • Extent - up to 95% of the property’s market value.
  • Period – up to 30 years.
  • Collateral – the real estate being purchased or built.
  • ALTUM fee for granting the guarantee – 2.5% of the guarantee amount (1% in case of contract amendments).
  • Terms of construction loan - a cost estimate and building permit are required; the loan is made available in parts and a Swedbank representative will inspect the property before every portion of the loan is disbursed.
  1. Fill out the application and we will let you know about submitting additional documents required.
  2. The bank decides on granting the loan and notifies ALTUM.
  3. ALTUM decides on granting the guarantee.
  4. Pay ALTUM fee of 2.5% of the guarantee amount.
  5. Sign agreement with the bank.
  6. ALTUM prepares guarantee agreement for the bank.

Mortgage loan for young professionals

If you’re a young professional of 18 to 35 years of age and plan to buy real estate, apply in the housing guarantee programme un get co-funding for buying residential property.

  • Regular monthly income from 850 EUR (with co-borrower 1200 EUR)
  • Positive credit history
  • Extent - up to 95% of the property's market value
  • Repayment period - up to 30 years
  • Collateral - the real estate being purchased or built
  • ALTUM fee for granting guarantee - 4.8% of the size of the guarantee (1% in case of amendments to agreement)
  • Conditions for construction loans: cost estimate and building permit required. The loan is disbursed in parts. Swedbank’s representative will inspect the property before disbursement of each part of the loan.
  1. Fill out the application and submit the required documents
  2. The bank decides on granting the loan and notifies ALTUM
  3. ALTUM decides on granting the guarantee
  4. Pay ALTUM fee of 4.8% of the amount of the guarantee for the first period
  5. Sign agreement with the bank
  6. ALTUM prepares guarantee agreement for the bank

Loan for construction

Swedbank offers the most convenient solution for building, refurbishing or reconstructing your home.

Calculate the approximate construction costs here.

  • The bank evaluates the correspondence of construction costs to the work to be performed
  • Amount of finance is up to 85% of the future value (with an option to get Altum guarantee)
  • The bank approves the loan disbursement breakdown together with the customer
  • Loan is disbursed in the amount of 70% of the property’s present value (as first portion of the loan)
  • Remaining portions of the loan are disbursed after the previously disbursed portions and customer’s own funds are invested.

Additional documents to be submitted:

  • Construction cost estimate
  • Construction plan or sketch
  • Property’s future value
  • Find out your options or apply for house construction loan here
  • Decide on the size of the house you need and estimate how much it could cost to build it
  • Consult a property valuator about the value of potential property after its completion
  • Take into account that the bank will disburse a loan of up to 85% of the future value of the real estate (up to 95% with Altum) and any difference in costs must be covered by your own co-finance that you will need to invest when starting construction of the house.
  • Find out if you’re eligible for having the construction costs covered as part of the Altum subsidy program Balsts.

Key steps to building a house

How does the home exchange solution work if you already have a mortgage loan from Swedbank?

  1. Fill out the application and indicate that you wish to use the exchange solution for buying the new home.
  2. Buy a new property.
  3. The bank will reduce the existing duration of the mortgage loan agreement to 12 months, keeping the monthly payment amount the same.
  4. You have 12 months to sell the existing property and pay off the balance of the first loan*.
  5. When the loan for the first home is repaid, you will again have just one loan for the new home.

* You have a possibility to postpone principal repayments for 12 months and pay only interest for the first loan.

Programme “Balsts”

If there are at least three children in your family and you are planning to purchase or build a home, you can receive funding in the form of an Altum grant, which will not have to be repaid. The available state funding ranges from 8,000 to 12,000 EUR and depends on the size of your family and the energy efficiency class of the dwelling.

  • Families with 3 or more children living in the same home.
  • Average income per family member (including children) for the last available taxation year, for which taxes are payable, does not exceed 17,000 EUR (gross).
  • Tax residents of Latvia (for at least the past 12 months).
  • The support recipient does not own any other residential property (home, apartment, cottage).

The grant will partially or fully substitute own co-financing. The grant cannot exceed 50% of the purchase price/construction costs.

What is the available amount of financing?

Number of children (including, if expecting) Energy efficiency class of the home to be purchased/constructed Maximum amount of grant, EUR
3 Not an almost zero-energy building 8,000
3 Is an almost zero-energy building 10,000
4 or more Not an almost zero-energy building 10,000
4 or more Is an almost zero-energy building 12,000
  • Regular monthly income.
  • Positive credit history.
  • Amount — up to 95% of the market value of the property, because the Altum guarantee can be used.
  • Term — up to 30 years.
  • Collateral — the real estate property purchased or constructed.
  • Conditions for construction loan — a cost estimate and construction permit are needed, the loan is issued in instalments; prior to the issue of each instalment, a Swedbank representative performs an on-site inspection.
  1. Fill out an application and we will let you know what additional documents need to be submitted.
  2. The bank takes a decision on issuing the loan and informs Altum.
  3. Altum takes a decision on issuing the grant.
  4. Sign the loan agreement with the bank.
  5. Electronically sign the grant agreement with Altum.
  6. Altum transfers the grant to the bank.

In case of purchase — at the time of transferring the purchase amount, the bank transfers these funds as co-financing or as part of it.

In case of construction — these funds are deposited to the customer’s account in accordance with the conditions of the loan agreement. The grant may be used only for non-cash settlement, and the customer has to report as to the use of the grant.

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Lūdzu izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai Microsoft Edge pārlūkprogrammu.

Ar 23.03.2021. Swedbank internetbanka vairs nav pieejama, izmantojot Internet Explorer tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu.

Tāpat nav iespējams apstiprināt Swedbank maksājumus citās vietnēs, kā arī izmantot Swedbank autentifikāciju, piemēram,

Turpmāk iesakām izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai jaunāko Microsoft Edge versiju. Uzziniet, kā uz sava datora uzstādīt kādu no minētajām pārlūkprogrammām, šeit.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

Klientu serviss - Инфо и помощь - Customer service: +371 67 444 444

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15% discount on home insurance

Buy home insurance at a 15% discount

Special offer until 31 March.

  • We will fully renovate your home
  • Your belongings will be insured at home and anywhere else in Latvia
  • We will reimburse for losses caused to neighbours or other persons


“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

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