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Frequently asked questions

Statements and reports

  • What account statement periods are available?

    In Internet Banking, the maximum account statement period is 2 years. If you need a statement for the last four years, you need to request 2 account statements for 2 years. If you request the statement at branch, there is no limit to the period, but keep in mind that a fee will be charged for every 6 months.

  • How can I request the regular account statement?

    The regular account statement can be requested here.

    “Payments, cards, accounts > Account > Statements and reports > Order automatic statement”.

    The reports will be delivered here.

    “Payments, cards, accounts > Account > Statements and reports > Stored statement files”.

  • How to order a statement with fee details?
    A statement with fee details can be requested here.
    “Payments, cards, accounts > Account > Statements and reports > Statement request”.
    In the “Fee" menu, select the option “Separately”.
  • What is the extended account statement?

    The regular account statement details include:
    Operation date, document number, transaction amount, payment details, balance.

    The extended account statement details include:
    Operation date and transaction archive number, document number and transaction code, beneficiary name, registration number, payment details, beneficiary’s account number and beneficiary bank’s SWIFT code, transaction amount (debit/credit).

    Additionally, various filters are available.

  • How to export an account statement?
    The account statement can be exported by selecting the exporting menu item above or below the account statement ordered. The statement can be exported in PDF, TH5, CSV, TH6 and Fidavista format.
  • What to do if the special Latvian-language characters (diacritical marks) are displayed incorrectly?
    This can be due to a number of reasons. One solution could be changing the report settings. This can be done here.
    “Contacts and settings > General settings > File import/export preferences > Import / Export file encoding > Unicode (UTF-8)”.



  • What documents are needed to open a current account?

    If the company is registered in Latvia:

    • The identity documents of the authorized signatory and all the beneficial owners of company
    • If the company is not subject to registration with the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, then please submit the articles of association/bylaws and documentary proof of registration and the registered office

    If the company is not registered in the Republic of Latvia:

    Originals or their copies that are legally valid in the Republic of Latvia: In order for a document issued abroad to be usable in the Republic of Latvia, no additional confirmations or certifications are necessary if the document is issued:

    • In a European Union member state;
    • In a European Economic Area member state;
    • In the Swiss Confederation;
    • In foreign countries that have entered into bilateral treaties with the Republic of Latvia on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal matters.

    If the documents are issued in other countries, they need to be certified. For further details, call 67444444.

    • Documentary proof of registration and the registered office, such as registration certificate issued by the respective country’s business registration authority or a certified copy of it which may not be older than 31 day (in case the documentary proof of registration needs to be additionally certified or legalized – not older than 60 days)
    • Articles of association/bylaws which lays down the procedure for how authorized signatories are granted powers
    • Documentary evidence of the powers of the authorized signatories. If the powers of the authorized signatories are certified by an extract or true copy issued by the respective country’s business registration authority, then such an extract must be issued not earlier than 31 day before entry into the business relationship
    • Documents certifying the customer’s shareholders and the beneficial owner

    Documents may be submitted in Latvian, Russian, and English languages. Documents in other languages must have a notarized translation in Latvian, English or Russian attached.

  • What is the fee for account opening?

    All the applicable fees connected with account opening are available in the Price List.

  • How to open a temporary account?


    • The founder of the company must have the Swedbank Private Internet Banking user account and the eID card with activated eParaksts feature:
    • Fill out the application on the Internet Banking site
    • The company formation agreement or resolution must be signed with the eSignature and e-mailed in EDOC format to
    • The account number will be sent in a bank message within one business day
    • The equity capital can be deposited via Internet Banking

    At branch: In this case, you’ll need to submit the following documents:

    • Formation agreement/resolution
    • Minutes/decision of the founder meeting on appointment/election of authorized representatives if the company to be founded is not represented by the founders stated in the formation agreement/resolution themselves
    • Identity documents of the representatives of the company to be founded
  • How much time does it take to open an account at a branch or via Internet Banking?

    Unless account opening requires an in-depth investigation, the process takes up to an hour. The bank may require additional documents in the course of evaluation. In such an event, account opening may take longer. The bank employee will let you know personally about the expected timeframe.

    In order to book a time most convenient to you for account opening at a branch, we recommend applying beforehand via Internet Banking here.

    If you are not a private customer of Swedbank, you should apply for first corporate account opening at the branch. Book an appointment at the branch here choosing consultation topic “Company account opening”.

    An additional account can be opened via Internet Banking by the company’s authorized signatory who has their right to represent the company singly indicated in the Register of Enterprises and who is a resident of the Republic of Latvia. Cases when an additional account CANNOT be opened for companies via Internet Banking:

    • the company is a non-resident
    • the company’s representative is a non-resident
    • at least one of the company’s accounts is blocked
    • the company has negative account balance
    • the company is subject to restrictions and some products are not permitted
    • the company has indications of being a US taxpayer.

  • How to close the company’s account(s)?

    An account can be closed both at a branch and remotely.

    At branch:
    The authorized signatory must fill out the application for account closure.

    The order to close the account and all the connected services may be submitted remotely by the company’s authorized signatory who is indicated in the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia and has the right to represent the company individually, by calling the Consultations Centre, sending a message via Internet Banking, making an electronic application in free form, or filling out the application for account closure signed with the eID card and e-mailed to
    If the account balance is positive, the funds can be transferred to other account. To do so, send an application signed with the eID to
    In all cases, the services agreements must be terminated and the account balance must be zero at the time of closing the account.

  • How much does it cost to close an account?
    Closure of an account is free of charge.
  • How to authorize somebody else to operate the account?
    You can execute the form “Specimen Signature – Power of Attorney” for the person at any Swedbank branch. Alternatively, a person may be authorized to operate the company’s account by adding them as a user with specific rights in the Remote Banking Services Agreement. Information about user management is provided here.
  • What to do in case of change in authorized signatories of the company?
    The company’s authorized signatory may cancel signatory powers by calling the Consultation Centre, by sending a message to the bank via Internet Banking, or at any branch. For companies which are registered outside the Republic of Latvia, which are not subject to registration with the Latvian Register of Enterprises, as well as if the signatory powers need to be formalized for a person who is not an authorized signatory according to the Latvian Register of Enterprises, then the signatory powers may be set up at branches only.
  • Who may operate the account?
    The account may be operated by a person who has the right to represent the company individually or together with other representative(s) of the company according to information available in the business register of the company’s country of registration, in the form “Specimen Signature – Power of Attorney” (if such has been executed at a branch), or according to a notarized power of attorney.
  • What to do in case of change in owners of the company?
    If the company’s ownership has changed, then the company’s Customer Questionnaire must be updated. The authorized signatories can do it here or any Swedbank branch.

The questionnaire can be filled out and submitted in your preferred way either:

  • by logging in to Business Internet Banking, or
  • by visiting any Swedbank branch by prior appointment. Make sure to bring with you a valid identity document (such as ID card or passport).


  • Where can I order the debit card?
    • The most convenient option is to do it via Business Internet Banking.
    • By contacting the bank by phone on 67 444444.
    • At your nearest branch.

    Via Business Internet Banking:

    • The application can be filled out by any Business Internet Banking user of the company.
    • The application must then be confirmed and the Card Agreement must be signed within 7 days by a user who, according to the Register of Enterprises, is entitled to represent the company singly and is logged in to Internet Banking with the Smart-ID or eID.
    • If the Card Agreement is not signed, the application is deleted and production of the card is not started.

    By contacting the bank:

    By a person who, according to the Register of Enterprises, is entitled to represent the company singly.

    At branch:

    The card can be ordered by the company’s authorized signatory (one or several) who is entitled to represent the company according to information at the disposal of the bank or according to the Register of Enterprises.

  • Where can I apply for the credit card?

    Via Business Internet Banking:

    • The application can be filled out and confirmed by any Business Internet Banking user who, according to the Register of Enterprises, is entitled to represent the company singly.
    • After receiving your application, a bank employee will contact you in 1 business days' time to arrange the next steps.


    The card can be applied for by the company’s authorized signatory (one or several) who is entitled to represent the company according to information at the disposal of the bank or according to the Register of Enterprises.

  • How and who can get a card?

    By post (for free worldwide):

    To the company’s contact address provided on the Internet Banking site. This is convenient and saves your time. Cards are sent by post inactive and separately from the PIN (for renewed cards the PIN is not sent as it remains the same). Who can activate cards delivered by post via Internet Banking and how?

    At any branch:

    • If the Card Agreement is already signed (also applies to renewed debit cards), the card can be collected by the company’s authorized signatory or by the cardholder by presenting a passport or ID card.
    • If the Card Agreement is not signed or in case of credit card renewal, the card can only be collected by the company’s authorized signatory together with signing the Card Agreement.
  • How to change the way the card is received?

    The most convenient way is to do so in the Our company cards section of the Business Internet Banking site by clicking “Agreement” .

    • Card delivery method can be changed by users with full-access rights in Business Internet Banking.
    • Card delivery method can be changed no later than 60 days (for debit cards) or 35 days (for Credit cards) before the card's expiration date.
  • Who and how can activate card delivered by post in Internet Banking?

    In the Company cards section of the Business Internet Banking website:

    • If the agreement on a new or replaced card is already signed, the card may be activated by a user with the full or transactions access rights mode.
    • Renewed debit cards, can be activated via Business Internet Banking by a user with the full or transaction access rights mode or by a legal representative with the right to represent the company individually according to the Register of Enterprises regardless of the access rights mode or by a card holder by making a purchase in a physical store by inserting the card into the POS terminal and entering the PIN at the time of purchase or by performing the usual operations in an ATM.
    • If you’ve received the card for the first time and the Card Agreement was not signed at the time ordering, the card can only be activated together with signing the agreement.
    • The Card Agreement may be signed by a person who has the right to represent the company individually according to the Register of Enterprises and is logged in to Business Internet Banking with the Smart-ID, eParaksts mobile or eID.
    • Before activation, please make sure that the cardholder and company details shown on the card are correct.

    Attention! The card must be activated within 30 days of it being received by post. Cards not activated on time will be irreversibly closed due to security reasons.

  • What are the card limits?

    The following limits and user rights apply for all cards:

    • On cash deposits and withdrawals.
    • On card purchases.
    • On viewing account transactions and past payments.

    When a card is produced, it has the default limits but after the card is issued, also personalized limits may be set up. We encourage doing so via Business Internet Banking.

    Default limits for the Debit card are avaliable here, but for Credit cards - here.

  • Who can view and modify the limits and how?
    The most convenient way of checking out the limits is doing so in the Our company cards section of the Business Internet Banking site by selecting the appropriate card next to the respective card. To change the card limits, the user must have full-access rights in Business Internet Banking or according to the Register of Enterprises, is entitled to represent the company singly.
  • What card operations may be restricted via ATM?
    It is possible to restrict cardholder’s access to the balance of account linked to the card and last 5 performed transactions. To do it, you need to change the cardholder’s rights. The most convenient way is doing so in the Our company cards by selecting the appropriate card.
  • Will my Mastercard card work abroad?
    Mastercard cards are accepted for payment in all retail outlets worldwide where the Mastercard logo is shown and the retailer accepts that type of cards.
  • How is card currency exchanged from the card’s principal currency to other currency?

    At the moment of settlement, exchange to the necessary currency takes place automatically. The account must have sufficient balance in the card's principal currency.

    Settlements in foreign currencies are subject to currency exchange mark-up for the debit card and credit cards according to the Price List.

  • Where can I find information about exchange rates?
    Information about current exchange rates is available on the websites of the international card organizations: Mastercard and Visa.
  • Is there a possibility that my card might not be accepted?
    There are no restrictions on use of cards on the part of the bank, however every retailer is free to choose what type of cards to accept.
  • How is the transaction amount reserved and debited?
    At the moment of transaction, the amount is reserved in the account to which the card is linked. The amount reserved is debited from the account when the bank receives complete information about the transaction from the merchant but no later than within 30 days after the transaction was performed.
  • How is the amount for a credit card transaction reserved?
    • Purchases with the Business Credit Card have an interest free period of up to 30 days for using the credit limit - from the time of purchase until the 1st date of the following month.
    • Purchases with the Business Gold Credit Card have an interest free period of up to 40 days for using the credit limit - from the time of purchase until the 10st date of the following month.
    • During the interest-free period, the purchase amount is reserved and no interest accrues on the reserved amount for drawing on the credit limit.
    • In isolated cases, for purchases made during last days of the month and about which information has been received at the bank belatedly, the interest-free period and the amount reservation time be automatically extended to the 1st or 10th date (depending on the credit card type) of the month following the next month.

    Attention! The interest-free period is not in force for transfers and cash withdrawals from the credit card account and interest starts to accrue on the outstanding credit limit immediately after the transaction.

  • How is the used credit repayable?
    • All used credit limit (for purchases, transfers and cash transactions) is automatically transferred from the credit card account until the 1st date (for Business Credit Card) or until the 10st date (for Business Gold Credit Card).
    • If the current account does not have enough funds for automatic repayment of the amount of the credit limit, partial repayment does not take place and the interest calculation also begins for the purchases for which the interest-free period has ended.
    • The Company may at any time repay the used credit limit itself, including the necessary funds on the credit card account, thereby terminating the interest calculation.


    • The credit limit used for purchases is always reserved until the end of the interest-free period, regardless of the company's funds in the credit limit account.
    • On the 1st or 10th date of each month (depending on the type of credit card), at the same time as the automatic repayment of the used credit limit, the card-linked current account is also charged:

    - Monthly fee for using a credit card

    - Interest on credit limit usage

  • What’s ‘Internet shopping’?
    This means double protection of your online purchases with repeated authentication provided by Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure solutions. The logos Mastercard Identity Check and/or Visa Secure are featured in the online stores which have joined the programme. To find out more, see here!
  • Where can I register the card for internet shopping?

    On the Internet Banking site under “Company cards” by clicking the button “Internet shopping”.

    Settings can be changed by user having at least transactions profile to the card account, or a company’s legal representative, who is authorized to represent the company singly according to the Register of Enterprises and has logged in to Internet Banking with the Smart-ID or eID.

    Registration is necessary for new cards only. If the card is renewed or replaced, the settings of the previous card are kept.

  • How can I check whether the card is registered for internet shopping?
    The registration status is visible on the Business Internet Banking site in section “Company cards”. Active (orange) button next to the card means that the card is registered for internet shopping. Inactive (grey) button means that the card is not registered for internet shopping.
  • Can the card be used for paying at all online retail outlets?

    Yes. The card be used for paying if the merchant accepts this type of cards and has not set any special restrictions. We strongly encourage to carefully read the customer service and product delivery terms & conditions on the retailer’s website.

    Even greater security requirements under EU directive take effect from Jaunary 2021. Card payments may fail at some online stores. In such cases information about other payment options can be provided to you only by the retailer.

  • What could be the reason I can't pay online with a card?

    Even greater security requirements under EU directive take effect from Jaunary 2021. Card payments may fail at some online stores. In such cases information about other payment options can be provided to you only by the retailer.

    The most frequent reasons for refusing a purchase could be:

    • Internet shopping feature may be not enabled for the card.
    • The account lacks sufficient funds.
    • Card's purchase transaction limit is exceeded.
    • The card has expired.
    • Software settings of the device used, or web browser settings are not compatible with the retailer’s solution.
    • The device’s cache memory has not been cleared.
    • The retailer has set restrictions for transactions (e.g. cards of a specific type or cards issued in a specific country are not accepted). For detailed information, see the merchant’s website.
  • What do to if a card purchase that I haven’t made shows up in the account statement?

    You need to fill out the bank message form “Company cards”.

    Important! It is necessary to block the card with which an unauthorized transaction was performed in the “Company cards” section of the Internet Banking or by calling 67 444 444.

  • Who can suspend a card and how?
    • On the Business Internet Banking site – users with full-access rights mode or according to the Register of Enterprises, is entitled to represent the company singly.
    • In the Swedbank mobile app for companies – a person who according to data of the Register of Enterprises is entitled to represent the company singly or is the cardholder themselves.
    • By contacting the bank by phone on 67 444 444 – a person who is entitled to represent the company singly or is the cardholder themselves.
    • By visiting the bank’s branch – the authorized signatory (one or several) who is entitled to represent the company according to information at the disposal of the bank or according to the Register of Enterprises, and the cardholder themselves.
  • What to do in case the card is stolen?

    If a card is stolen, it must be closed immediately:

    • On the Business Internet Banking site by sending a message to the bank.
    • By contacting the bank by phone on 67 444444.
    • If it’s not possible to get in touch with the bank, then the card can be suspended by calling the card 24h international assistance line: Mastercard on +0800-96-4767, Visa on +8000-02288.
  • Is it possible to re-activate a blocked card and within what timespan?

    The operation of a blocked card can be restored:

    • If the card has been blocked on the Business Internet Banking site, its operation can be restored within 10 days by a user having the full rights in the section “Company’s cards” selecting the appropriate card.
    • If the card has been blocked at a branch, its operation can be restored within 70 days by visiting a bank’s branch and producing the passport or ID card and also taking the blocked card with you.

    Attention! If the suspended card is not re-activated within this timespan, it will automatically be closed.

Internet Banking

  • Payment-preparation mode
    The user can prepare orders for execution of payments. The user can view all payments prepared and no other functionality will be available.
  • Information-only mode
    The user can, in addition to the functions available in the payment-preparation mode, access information on transactions in the account: see account balance, get account overviews and account statements.
  • Transactions mode
    The user can, in addition to the functions available in the information-only mode, confirm payment and transfer orders (send a payment for execution) and can give orders for execution of selected operations.
  • Full-access mode
    Allows using all the features in the Business Internet Banking facility – performing all the available online banking operations.

Swedbank Gateway


  • Where can I see the payment card reports?

    The payment card reports are available here by selecting a specific period.

    Read more about the report types and options here.

  • What to do if I haven’t received the payment card reports?

    Make sure that the day closure report has been sent from your POS terminal on the day for which the report is missing – has the money been received in the account and the report slip has been printed from the POS.

    If the day closure report has been sent but the payment card reports are missing on the Internet Banking site, please contact the bank.

    If the day closure report has not been sent, send the report manually following the steps in the user manual of the respective POS model (see the links provided here).

  • What to do if we need a report on an earlier report?

    Write us an Internet Banking message or request by phone on 67 444 444). The fee for repeated preparation of the report is charged as per price list.

  • How to switch POS from one company to another?

    Step 1

    Write us an Internet Banking message regarding closure of the POS terminal agreement, including information about the company to which the POS terminal will be transferred.

    If you use the mPOS, then the mPOS must be uninstalled from the smart device before terminating the agreement!

    Step 2

    Open the POS agreement for the new company via Internet Banking and please specify the company name and registration number of the existing POS terminal holder in the field “What else should we know?“.

    Step 3

    After signing the new agreement, you will be contacted by the supplier of the terminal who will also help perform the necessary steps for transferring the POS terminal if the POS is rented from the bank.

    If the POS is not rented from the bank, you need to contact the POS terminal supplier.

    If you’ll use the mPOS, make sure that the previous owner has uninstalled it from their smart device. Before starting to use the mPOS, it will need to be installed. Find the instructions here.

  • What’s the procedure for returning the POS and terminating the agreement?

    Follow the instructions here.

Quick notifications


  • How to apply for automated payment of e-invoices?
    Click the "Order new e-invoice" button and, in the list, find the name of the company for which you wish to enable automated payment of e-invoices. When filling out the application, make sure you have the automated payment checkbox ticked. Setting up the agreement is free of charge. The automated payments are subject to the current price list of payments.
  • What are the possibilities to choose the invoice payment date?

    When setting up e-invoice automated payment, you can choose the payment day to be:

    • The due date (the payment deadline specified by the service provider in the e-invoice).
    • Two days after receiving the e-invoice. That way the e-invoice will be paid in timely manner without waiting for the deadline.
    • Two days before the due date. If the payee’s account is with other bank, you can be sure that the amount will be transferred to the payee until the due date and the payment will not be overdue.

    You can modify the terms of payment by selecting the respective e-invoice automated payment agreement.

  • Will my e-invoice be paid automatically if my account lacks funds in EUR but has funds in other currencies?
    The e-invoice will not be paid if there is no positive balance of EUR currency in the account on the due date. The account must contain funds in EUR currency. If you have funds in other currency in your account, exchange the required amount of funds into EUR via Internet Banking before the date due for payment.
  • What will happen to automated payment if the account lacks funds on the due date?
    When the account balance is not sufficient for paying the e-invoice on the due date, the system will automatically check availability of funds for 6 more days. If, on the seventh day, the account does not have sufficient funds to pay the e-invoice in full, the invoice may be paid in part if you have permitted partial payment in your e-invoice automated payment agreement.
  • What should one know about monthly limits?

    At the time of setting up the agreement, you can specify a monthly limit of your choice which may not be exceeded in the automated payment of e-invoices. If the amount of the invoice exceeds the set limit, the payment of the invoice depends on whether you’ve permitted partial payment. If partial payment is permitted, then an amount which is equivalent to at least half of the invoice amount and does not exceed the set limit will be transferred to the payee. If partial payment is not permitted or if it's possible to transfer only an amount which is less than half of the full invoice amount, then no payment will be made. Please verify that the monthly limit is high enough and that there are enough funds in your account for paying invoices as they fall due.

    The payment arrangements may differ from case to case, therefore, when setting the monthly limit, allow for the fact that more than one invoice may be sent in within a month and that the cost of service may be subject to change (for example, the first month’s invoice may include down payment). In such an event, the amount debited from your account will be larger than usual.

  • Which e-invoice operations are available depending on the Business Internet Banking use mode?




  • Will my MTPL policy continue in force also after the end of the lease agreement?
    Yes. The MTPL policy (for the agreed period) will remain in force also if the lease agreement ends.
  • Will my CASCO policy continue in force also after the end of the lease agreement?

    In case of agreement on insurance as part of the lease agreement (CASCO payments are included in the lease payment), the agreement on insurance will end on the date when the lessee repays the entire loan amount.

    If a one-year CASCO policy has been purchased (CASCO payments are not included in the lease payment), then the policy will remain in force also after the lease agreement ends when the vehicle holder becomes the vehicle owner.

  • Where to find CASCO, MTPL invoices?

    You can find CASCO, MTPL invoices here.

    Payments, accounts -> E-invoices -> Received e-invoices. The invoices are available in HTML and PDF format.

  • How to terminate the policy?

    Log in to the Internet Banking. Select the contract you wish to terminate on the Internet Banking site under:

    Insurance, pensions -> product type -> choose "Terminate contract” / “Apply for refund of unused insurance premium" for MTPL or "Change contract" for CASCO.

  • How and where to submit an insurance claim?

    If you need technical assistance on the road, call 67 444 449 (24/7). Technical assistance is available only for passenger cars.

    In case of other unexpected events, fill out the insurance claim form on the Internet Banking site as soon as possible. Go to “Insurance, pensions" -> “Insurance” -> choose relevant product -> fill out Application for Indemnity

  • How to notify of partial/full early repayment and how much does it cost?

    To notify of early repayment in part or in full:

    • send a message to the bank via Internet Banking;
    • fill out an application at a branch.

    The fee for partial/full early discharge of obligations is charged according to the price list.

  • Why does the Internet Banking show the invoice as unpaid although I’ve already paid it manually?

    During the whole leasing agreement, you will receive monthly e-invoices to your Internet banking site.

    Please consider that the e-invoice is not automatically linked to the payments you create yourself.

    If you create the leasing payment yourself (not using the e-invoice functionality), cancel the automatic payment for the received e-invoice and archive it.

    For your convenience, we recommend using the options offered for e-invoices: to activate automatic payment.

  • Why was I charged again for leasing the e-invoice if I had already paid it manually?

    Most likely, you have automatic payment of e-invoices enabled.

    If you create the leasing payment yourself (not using the e-invoice functionality), cancel the automatic payment for the received e-invoice and archive it.

    During the whole leasing agreement, you will receive monthly e-invoices to your Internet banking site. Please consider that the e-invoice is not automatically linked to the payments you create yourself.

    For your convenience, we recommend using the options offered for e-invoices: to activate automatic payment.

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Ar 23.03.2021. Swedbank internetbanka vairs nav pieejama, izmantojot Internet Explorer tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu.

Tāpat nav iespējams apstiprināt Swedbank maksājumus citās vietnēs, kā arī izmantot Swedbank autentifikāciju, piemēram,

Turpmāk iesakām izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai jaunāko Microsoft Edge versiju. Uzziniet, kā uz sava datora uzstādīt kādu no minētajām pārlūkprogrammām, šeit.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

Klientu serviss - Инфо и помощь - Customer service: +371 67 444 444

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