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Appropriateness questionnaire

Feel confident about your choice of complex investment products

  • Take a short quiz to assess the level of your knowledge about and experience with different investment products.
  • The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine whether or not an investment product is appropriate for you.
  • This questionnaire is mandatory before you purchase any complex investment products.
  • When buying a complex investment product for the first time, the bank has to assess its appropriateness for you.
  • The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine whether you have the knowledge and competence to understand the risks associated with complex investment products you want to buy.

This questionnaire will determine whether or not an investment in a product is appropriate for you.

If the assessment result for a product group is “not appropriate”, we’ll consider that you may put yourself in a position where the risk assumed by you does not match your knowledge and experience, related to investing in such products.

  • Choose a product group related to your planned investment and answer the questions.
  • We will perform the appropriateness assessment based on the information you have provided in this questionnaire.
  • A filled-out questionnaire is valid for 5 (five) years, or until you fill out the questionnaire again, whichever occurs first.

You can fill out the questionnaire for a selected product group once per day.

Complex equity products Shares that are not traded on regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities, organised trading facilities or similar trading facilities outside the EU; preference shares that embed a derivative, convertible shares and similar instruments; special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs).
Complex funds Real estate funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, venture capital funds and funds with other unusual underlying that are established either as a structured UCITS under UCITS Directive (including leveraged or inverse exchange-traded funds), as an alternative investment fund under Alternative Investment Funds Management Directive (AIFMD) or in another format recognized outside the EU.
Complex bonds Bonds and money-market instruments of the following type: convertible and exchangeable bonds, indexed bonds and turbo certificates, contingent convertible bonds, callable or puttable bonds, credit-linked notes, bonds and money market instruments which return is dependent on the performance of an asset pool, that are subordinated, where issuer can modify cash flows, that have no maturity date, that have unusual or unfamiliar underlying, that have complex return calculation methodology, where the principal may not be fully repaid or may be bailed-in, that have conditional or complex guarantee mechanism; that have leverage features; bonds that are not traded on regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities, organised trading facilities or similar trading facilities outside the EU; exchange-traded notes (ETNs), exchange-traded commodities (ETCs).
Interest rate swaps Bilateral agreements to exchange cash flows at specified intervals (payment dates) during the agreed-upon life of the transaction (maturity or tenor) that have interest rates as underlying, including currency interest rate swaps (CIRS).
FX forwards and FX swaps Swaps - bilateral agreements to exchange cash flows at specified intervals (payment dates) during the agreed-upon life of the transaction (maturity or tenor) that have foreign exchange as underlying; forwards - customized bilateral agreement to exchange an asset or cash flows at a specified future settlement date at a (forward) price agreed on the trade date that have foreign exchange as underlying.
Futures Exchange traded standardized derivative contracts tracking price of underlying assets, where a buyer and a seller have an obligation to settle transaction at specified time in the future.
Options Agreements that give the buyer, who pays a fee (premium), the right—but not the obligation—to buy or sell a specified amount of an underlying asset at an agreed upon price (strike price) on or until the expiration of the contract (expiry), and which have foreign exchange, securities, interest rates or commodities as underlying.
Simple shares Shares that are traded on regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities or similar trading facilities outside the EU.
Simple funds Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) created under the UCITS Directive.
Simple bonds Bonds that are traded on regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities or similar trading facilities outside the EU; instruments such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit or commercial papers that are usually traded on money market if such instruments have a value that can be determined at any time, if such instruments are not derivatives and if such instruments have a maturity of 397 days or less at issuance.
Subscription rights and warrants Securities granting their holder the right to purchase within a pre-determined time their underlying securities in a guaranteed amount or for a price less than the market price, or if such right is not exercised, sell such securities in the secondary market or let them expire.
Appropriate The financial instrument is appropriate to the Client, given its knowledge and experience.
Not appropriate The financial instrument is not appropriate to the Client, given its knowledge and experience.
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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

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From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

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This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - "Swedbank" AS, "Swedbank Līzings" SIA, "Swedbank Atklātais Pensiju Fonds" AS, "Swedbank Ieguldījumu Pārvaldes Sabiedrība" AS, "Swedbank P&C Insurance" AS Latvia branch, "Swedbank Life Insurance" SE Latvia branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.