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For farmers

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Buy the machinery you need for your farm

  • Leasing from 1.49% + 6 months Euribor*
  • Applies to both new and used machinery.
  • Applicable to RDP projects as well

*Effective until 31.05.2025., for machinery purchased from SIA Baltic Agro Machinery, SIA Valtek, SIA Stokker, SIA Intrac Latvija, SIA Silja, SIA Vaderstad, SIA Agritech, SIA Dojus Latvija, SIA Dotnuva Baltic, SIA Amazone, SIA Lytagra, LPKS Latraps, RK Atvases, SIA HETA, SIA Pakavs.

The regular area payments received from the Rural Support Service for a full year. The residual amount of the loan obligations currently in force.
  • EUR
  • EUR
  • EUR

The agricultural financing specialist will draw up an individual repayment schedule and conditions of the loan.

* The calculated monthly payment is for information only and gives an approximate idea.

Important! Please be informed that an increase in the Euribor base rates may result in an increase in your monthly loan payments. For the current amount of the Euribor base rate, see here.

  • Leasing to buy new or used machinery.
  • Solutions for loan without a pledge available.
  • Loan repayment period of up to 20 years.
  • Possible solutions for a loan without down payment.
  • The bank’s experts perform valuation of the land themselves as part of the transaction.
  • Possible extinguishing of loan interest of up to 4% per year as part of the de minimis support by applying in the LAD support programme.
  • Financing of working capital, commodities, fuel, tools, construction
  • Financing for purchasing solar panels, wind turbines and heat pumps.
  • Possible extinguishing of loan interest of up to 4% per year as part of the de minimis support by applying in the LAD support programme.
  1. Fill out the application on the Internet Bank. We will contact you within 2 business days.
  2. Sign the agreement via internetbank or book a time at Swedbank branch.
  3. If necessary, register the collateral and procure insurance. Real estate valuators approved by Swedbank.
We can ask for the annual financial report (not older than 12 months) if it has not been submitted to the Commercial Register.
In case of property collateral needed we ask a valuation report from a real estate agency accepted by the bank.

Real estate valuators approved by Swedbank

Company Address Telephone Real estate type / restrictions
Latio Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 8, Rīga 67032300 Valuation of all real estate types without limitation
Colliers International Advisor Satekles iela 2B - 512, Rīga 67783333 Valuation of all real estate types without limitation
Newsec Valuations LV Vesetas iela 7, Rīga 67508400 Valuation of all real estate types without limitation
RE eksperts Ernestīnes iela 12, Rīga 67544380, 22100106 Valuation of all real estate types without limitation
Arco Real Estate Blaumaņa iela 5a-1, Rīga 67365555 Residential property valuation without limitation
Commercial property valuation with market value of
up to 300,000 EUR without limitation,
in other cases - with the bank’s approval
Balanss-V Stabu iela 47-2,Rīga 26277709 Residential property valuation with market value of
up to 150,000 EUR without limitation
over 150 000 EUR requires bank valuer's approval
Eiroeksperts Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 20-9, Rīga 67365999 Residential property valuation without limitation
Langes pils Dzirnavu iela 31-1, Rīga 67505656, 26542233 Residential property valuation without limitation
Nira Fonds Brīvības iela 73-1, Rīga 67216678, 27011887 Residential property valuation without limitation
Tribus Vērtēšana Baznīcas iela 7-1,Rīga 29416264 Residential property valuation with market value of
up to 150,000 EUR without limitation
over 150 000 EUR requires bank valuer's approval
Ober Haus Vērtēšanas serviss Gustava Zemgales gatve 76, Rīga 29557121, 67284544 Residential property valuation without limitation
PRIME Experts Kr. Valdemāra iela 33A-14A, Rīga 22006653 Residential property valuation with market value of
up to 150,000 EUR without limitation, in other
cases - with the bank’s approval
LVKV Rīgas iela 39,Valmiera 64207022 Residential property valuation with market value of
up to 100,000 EUR without limitation
over 100 000 EUR requires bank valuer's approval
VCG Ekspertu grupa Kr. Barona iela 31, Rīga 29722989, 67229008 Residential property valuation without limitation
Vestabalt Krišjāņa Barona iela 11-47, Rīga 67323608, 26477700 Residential property valuation without limitation
VIndeks Lāčplēša iela 14, Rīga 67285403, 29235485 Residential property valuation without limitation

What is it?

The Sustainable Farming Certificate is for farms that are engaged in agriculture as the principal or as one of their activities.

Purpose of the certificate

  • Encouraging eco-friendly and responsible farming
  • Helping farmers farm more profitably
  • Ensuring farms have access to more favourable terms of financing

eAgronom is Swedbank’s official partner in the issuance and monitoring of the certificate.

The certificate is an opportunity to obtain a loan on more favourable terms

  • Machinery leasing for new or second-hand land cultivation machinery from 1.49% + 6-month Euribor
  • Working capital - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3%
  • For infrastructure development Including for production of renewable energy for self-consumption of the farm - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3%
  • Land purchase loan - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3% and the repayment period can be up to 30 years

To qualify for the certificate, the farm needs to meet the following conditions on a day-to-day basis.

Farm’s GHG* assessment

  • Where energy emissions (including fuel) represent more than 20% of total emissions from non-perennial crop production activity, these emissions must be in a 10% reduction trajectory from a 5-year perspective.

Crop rotation and soil coverage

  • At least 5-year crop rotation, including 1 year of legume (pea, bean, etc.). Multi-species cover crop counts as one crop.
  • At least 75% of living plant coverage index. This means that on average, fields should have crops growing at least 9 months of the year. Winter crops and cover crops can be used to achieve this crop coverage.
  • Residue should be left on the field or replaced respectively with manure to avoid nutrient loss.

Soil management

  • Prevent soil compaction by avoiding traffic on wet fields. This means doing field operations on time, before or after excessive humidity periods (standing water on the field).
  • Peatlands may not be cultivated to avoid loss of soil’s organic carbon. Such wetlands should be kept as is, or turned into grasslands.
  • Maintain permanent grassland. A land that has been grassland for 5 or more consecutive years should remain as such.

Nutrient management and plant protection

  • Precision fertilization is used for mineral nitrogen application, taking into account soil analyzes, yield maps, and other field-specific information.
  • Manure is incorporated into the soil via injection (slurry) or within 1h (manure).
  • No increases in quantities of plant protection products used (either in total, or per crop type per unit area) compared to an annual baseline average determined over a rolling 5 year baseline period.

Learn more

  1. The farm applies for the certificate in the official partner’s system.
  2. Partner carries out an inspection of the farm and the farm receives the certificate. In case of failure to meet the criteria - an assessment about the necessary improvements.
  3. If the improvements are made - the certificate is issued at the end of the season.
  4. Once the certificate is received, it can be submitted at the bank to get more favourable terms of financing. For additional loan obligations, the farm undertakes to comply with the certificate requirements over the entire loan period*.

* If the sustainable farming certificate is not submitted at the end of every farming season, the bank will raise the price of the respective loan by 0.3% or, in case of leasing, by 1%.

Book a consultation

Find out more about the certification process

Especially favourable 5,9% interest for a special loan that will allow you to use solar, wind or earth heat energy in the daily operations of your farm. If the limit is up to 25 000 EUR no collateral is needed.

Extra funds for company’s everyday operations and unexpected payments.

To find out which financing option would work best for your farm, sign up for a consultation!

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“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

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