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Afforestation loan

Afforestation is creating a forest through planting, seeding or natural regeneration on non-forest land.

Minimum sum of loan - 5000 EUR. Alternative for smaller amount – Business Credit Card.

The calculated monthly payment is for information only and gives an approximate idea.

Important! Please be informed that an increase in the Euribor base rates may result in an increase in your monthly loan payments. For the current amount of the Euribor base rate, see here.

  • 0EUR

Loan payment schedule sample

Payment Balance Principal repayment Interest payment Monthly payment
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

With afforestation loan you can finance all afforestation related activities.

  • Afforestation – planting a forest on a land that, until then, was under a different land use or not used.
  • Planting trees is also a way to increase your land value and a chance to use your land in sustainable way.

Why is it important to create a forests?

There are many empty, abandoned and sometimes even degraded lands that are not used to their full potential.

Planting a forest is one of the most effective ways to tackle climate change, as forests are one of the few natural ecosystems that can store carbon and help to offset CO2 emissions produced by humans.

To make life simple for you, we recommend contacting our official partner who will help you prepare all the necessary documentation:

  • Loan Agreement period of up to 5 years. If the load schedule is over 5 years, then at the end of the loan agreement period it is possible to repay the loan or apply for extension of the loan period.
  • Amount of loan when land is used as a collateral shall not exceed 70% of the market value of pledged assets
  • Collateral: land where forest is planted
  • Commitment to transform non-forest land into forest
  • Commitment to present within 2 years from receiving the loan planting Confirmation
  • In the event of a breach of the obligation, interest rate will be increased to standard customer-based interest rate
Service Price, EUR
Up to EUR 200 000 Above EUR 200 000
Management fee From 1% of the amount, min. 150,00 On case-by-case basis, min. 300,00
Fee for non-used credit limit (% per annum) If the loan is guaranteed by real estate or commercial collateral. From 0,5%
Amendments, incl. extension of loan repayment period, increase in amount, as well as preparation of other contractual amendments Fee for changes without amendment of the agreement starting from 25.00. From 1% of the amount, min. 150.00 On case-by-case basis, min. 250.00
Change of loan currency, change of interest rate type If the loan is guaranteed by real estate or commercial collateral. 1.5% of the outstanding loan amount
Full or partial early repayment of the loan 1.5% of part of the loan to be repaid
Preparation and issuance of standard loan extracts and bank references 25,00 - 50,00 + VAT Standard - 25,00 + VAT
Urgent - 50,00 + VAT
Preparation and issuing of bank’s consent upon client's request On case-by-case basis, min. 30,00 + VAT If the Bank’s consent needs to be notarized, then, in addition to the fee, the Customer will cover the expenses of notary services.
Monitoring of the loan in connection with insurance of the collateral If the loan is guaranteed by real estate or commercial collateral. 200.00
Lease agreement approval If the loan is guaranteed by real estate. 50,00 - 200,00
Fee for registration of mortgage in branches of Land Register of Riga city or district on client's behalf If the loan is guaranteed by real estate. 35,00 The fee is withheld if the client wishes to use the services of Bank's courier.

Effective from 01.09.2022

  1. Contact our official partner for carbon Opportunity Assessment to find out if you have suitable land for afforestation
  2. Fill out the application on the Internet Bank. We will contact you within 2 business days
  3. We will inform you about our credit decision
  4. With the support of our official partner prepare afforestation plan and climate benefit analysis
  5. Sign the agreements via Internet Banking or book a time at Swedbank branch, register collaterals
  6. Receive the funds and start planting the new forest!
  7. Once the forest is planted, you will provide us planting confirmation
  8. You will also have to provide us with a forest management plan when the duration of the afforestation plan expires

Carbon Opportunity Assessment - includes a land suitability assessment for afforestation, and a forecast of potential carbon revenue generated through the voluntary carbon market.

Afforestation Plan - a comprehensive plan which describes where trees will be planted, what kind of trees will be planted, and the activities planned to maintain good forest condition, and reduce forest related risks (e.g., fire, diseases)

Afforestation plan should include the following elements:

  • description of the area according to its gazetting in the land registry
  • site preparation and its impacts on pre-existing carbon stocks, including soils and above-ground biomass, in order to protect land with high carbon stock
  • management goals, including major constraints
  • general strategies and activities planned to reach the management goals, including expected operations over the whole forest cycle
  • definition of the forest habitat context, including main existing and intended forest tree species, and their extent and distribution
  • compartments, roads, rights of way and other public access, physical features including waterways, areas under legal and other restrictions
  • measures deployed to establish and maintain the good condition of forest ecosystems
  • consideration of societal issues (including preservation of landscape, consultation of stakeholders in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in national law)
  • assessment of forest related risks, including forest fires, and pests and diseases outbreaks, with the aim of preventing, reducing and controlling the risks and measures deployed to ensure protection and adaptation against residual risks
  • assessment of impact on food security
  • all DNSH criteria relevant to afforestation

Climate benefit analysis – an analysis of the net climate benefits of afforestation. The analysis will consider carbon sequestered by trees and soils, and greenhouse gas emissions generated by afforestation activities.

Planting confirmation ensuring that you have followed the Afforestation plan and planted the trees or an equivalent confirmation of the inclusion of the forest area in the respective state registry.

Forest management plan (or equivalent instrument, as set out in national regulations).

Forest management plan should include the following elements:

  • management goals, including major constraints
  • general strategies and activities planned to reach the management goals, including expected operations over the whole forest cycle
  • definition of the forest habitat context, including main existing and intended forest tree species, and their extent and distribution
  • definition of the area according to its gazetting in the land registry
  • compartments, roads, rights of way and other public access, physical features including waterways, areas under legal and other restrictions
  • measures deployed to maintain the good condition of forest ecosystems
  • consideration of societal issues (including preservation of landscape, consultation of stakeholders in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in national law)
  • assessment of forest related risks, including forest fires, and pests and diseases outbreaks, with the aim of preventing, reducing and controlling the risks and measures deployed to ensure protection and adaptation against residual risks
  • all DNSH criteria relevant to forest management
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From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

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“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

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