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Business Debit Card

Assistant for daily business purchases

  • Convenient daily payments for you, less work for your accountant.
  • Comprehensive transaction monitoring via Internet Banking and the mobile app.
  • Mobile contactless payments with the mobile app.
  • View card’s PIN code and card details in the app.
  • New! Manage card expenses easily
Payment cards compared
  • A debit card for all types of purchases in stores and online, as well as cash deposits and withdrawals.
    Paying in online stores requires the card to registered for secure internet shopping.
  • Convenient management of card transactions via Business Internet Banking or the mobile app which makes accounting easier for the company.

Activate Internet shopping for the card

  • New! Cardholder with internet bank access to company’s bank account, linked to payment card can check the card’s PIN code, card number, expiry date, Security code/CVC2 code in Swedbank app.
  • Order the card to your company's contact address.
  • Pay for your purchases easily with contactless payments! Add Business Debit card to Apple Pay, Google Pay, Fitbit Pay, Garmin Pay solution, or use Swedbank app to tap your Android phone.
  • Now in our mobile app you can see a list of places where your digitized card is linked to. Watch a tutorial.
  • Contactless payments with card up to EUR 50 without PIN entry.
  • Cards for several users can be linked to one account.
  • New cards are issued with the default limits.
  • Individual usage limits and user rights can be set up for the card after it’s issued (e.g. permit or not permit payments with the card, cash withdrawals/deposits, account balance checking).
  • Limits and rights on the Business Internet Banking site and the mobile app can be modified by users with full-access rights mode or by a legal representative who has the right to represent the company singly according to the Register of Enterprises regardless of the access rights mode.
  • The card can be ordered:

    • On the Business Internet Banking site;
    • By contacting the bank by phone on 67 444444;
    • In the nearest Swedbank branch.

    The most convenient option is to apply for and conclude the Card agreement on the Business Internet Banking site.
    The application can be filled out by any Internet Banking user of the company. The application must be confirmed and the Card agreement must be signed within 7 days by a user:

    • With full-access rights mode.
    • Who is authorized to represent the company singly according to the Register of Enterprises.
    • Who has logged in to Internet Banking with the Smart-ID or eID.
  • Card delivery within 5-10 days:

    • By post to the company’s contact address provided to the bank anywhere in the world. For security reasons, cards are sent by post inactive.
    • At any Swedbank branch all across Latvia.

Order the card

  • The card is renewed automatically if stated so in the Card Agreement or on the Business Internet Banking site, and its renewal satisfies the Card Agreement conditions.
  • Card renewal can be enabled or cancelled, and the card delivery method and address can be changed no later than 2 months before expiry date of the current card.
  • The renewed debit card will be delivered at least 1 week before expiration of the previous card to the company’s contact address provided to the bank or the relevant Swedbank branch.
  • For renewed cards, the PIN remains the same.
  • If the renewed card is received by post, it can be activated via Business Internet Banking here by users with the full or transaction access rights using any of the bank’s authentication tools or by the card holder by making a purchase in a physical store by inserting the card into the POS terminal and entering the PIN at the time of purchase or by performing the usual operations in an ATM.

Order the debit card to your company’s contact address

  • Delivery of cards by post is free of charge.
  • Make sure that a correct contact address of the company is provided before ordering the card.
Card ordered on a business day: Time and place of receipt
Spice or Ķīpsala branch Other branches or card delivery to an address
by 12.30 Within 5 hours On next business day
by 12.30 On next business day On business day after the next
Product/Service Price, EUR
Ordering and issuance
New or replaced card Also in cases when the card is lost, stolen, or damaged. Automated fee upon card activation. 6,00
Renewed card Issuance of the new card after validity period of previous card was expired is free of charge. Free of charge
Urgently produced card options 41,00 Accelerated production and delivery of cards can be ordered at a branch or by calling us on 67 444 444. The card can be collected at bank branches or at the company’s contact address specified to the bank.
By post Free of charge
At a branch 6,00
Monthly fee 0,00 - 2,00 Business debit card monthly fee:
- Standard - 2.00
- Newly created companies that open an account within 12 months of registering the company, first year - 0,00
The card's monthly fee will be automatically debited from account in the beginning of every month.
Card purchases in Latvia and abroad Free of charge
Currency exchange markup 2,95% The fee is charged if the transaction (purchase or cash withdrawal) is made in a currency other than the card currency.Information on current Exchange Rates available on International Card Organization websites and
Cash operations See Cash transactions via ATMs and Retail outlets
Changes in Card Agreement (incl. change in limits, permitted services, card delivery method) Easier via Internet Banking 6,00
Card claim processing Free of charge If processing of the claim involves obtaining documentary proof of transactions, then a fee will be charged to the amount of the actual cost of the service.
Checking the account balance:
- In ATMs of Swedbank in Latvia Free of charge
- In other banks' cash machines in Latvia and worldwide 0,40
Printout of last 5 card transactions at Swedbank ATMs in Latvia 0,20
Changing and unblocking the card's PIN in Swedbank ATMs in Latvia Free of charge In case of entering PIN incorrectly three consecutive times in a POS terminal.
Closing the card Easier via Internet Banking Free of charge
Default card limits Limits, EUR
Purchases 1400
For cash withdrawals 1400
For cash deposits 15000

Effective from 19.08.2020.

documentTerms of usage of Cards for business

documentTerms of usage of Cards for business

If the card received by post:

  • If the card agreement for new or replaced card is already signed, the card can be activated via Business Internet Banking by a user with the full or transactions access rights mode or by a legal representative with the right to represent the company individually according to the Register of Enterprises regardless of the access rights mode. Renewed debit cards can be activated via Business Internet Banking by a user with the full or transaction access rights mode or by a legal representative with the right to represent the company individually according to the Register of Enterprises regardless of the access rights mode or by a card holder by making a purchase in a physical store by inserting the card into the POS terminal and entering the PIN at the time of purchase or by performing the usual operations in an ATM.
  • If the Card Agreement is not signed at the moment of ordering the card, the card can be activated via Business Internet Banking only together with signing the agreement.

    The Card Agreement may be signed by a person:

    • Who is authorized to represent the company singly according to the Register of Enterprises.
    • Who has logged in to Internet Banking with the Smart-ID or eID.

The Card Agreement may be signed by a person who is authorized to represent the company singly according to the Register of Enterprises and who has logged in to Internet Banking with the Smart-ID or eID.

At branch:

  • Before issuance, the card is activated by a branch employee.
  • If the Card Agreement is already signed by both parties, then the card can be collected by the company’s authorized signatory or the cardholder.
  • If the Card Agreement is not signed at the moment of ordering the card, then before receiving it the agreement must be signed by the company’s authorized signatory who, according to data at the bank’s disposal or Register of Enterprises, is authorized to represent the company.

Activate the card

  • If necessary, the card can be closed immediately or suspended temporarily on the Business Internet Banking site or the mobile app. A suspended card can be re-activated within 10 days via Business Internet Banking or the mobile app, as well as by presenting the card and an identity document (passport or eID) at any Swedbank branch.
  • If the suspended card is not re-activated within 10 days, it will automatically be closed.
  • If a payment card is stolen, it must be closed immediately. This can be done on the Business Internet Banking site, in the mobile app, by sending a message to the bank or by contacting the bank by phone on 67 444 444.
  • If the card is lost or stolen abroad and it’s not possible to get in touch the bank, then the card can be suspended by calling the MasterCard 24h international assistance line on +1 636 722 7111.
  • For a new card, the PIN is issued in a separate envelope upon collecting the card at branch.
  • For renewed cards, the PIN remains the same.
  • If you wish to change the existing PIN, this can be done in Swedbank ATMs in Latvia by choosing the option “Other operations” > “PIN change”.
  • If you can’t remember the PIN, you can check it in the Swedbank app. The PIN code can be viewed in app only by the cardholder who has access to the card related account via the company’s Internet Bank.
  • For security reasons, PIN may be entered incorrectly only twice. After the third time, the card will automatically be blocked:

    • If the card is blocked in POS terminal, it may be unblocked in Swedbank ATMs by entering correct PIN at first attempt.
    • If the card gets blocked in ATM a new card must be ordered.
  • Card transactions can be disputed by sending a message to the bank on the Business Internet Banking site, by contacting the bank by phone on 67 444 444, or by visiting the nearest branch if:

    • You discover transactions in the account statement that you haven’t agreed on with the merchant or service provider;
    • ATM cash deposit or withdrawal has been unsuccessful.

For example, if the ATM fails to dispense cash during withdrawal operation but the amount in question has been debited or if the amount deposited is not added to the account.

Your company's financial security is one of Swedbank's top priorities. We encourage you to be responsible users of payment cards and to observe the security conditions for payment cards usage.

  • Only the cardholder - the person whose name appears on the card - may use the card. Do not let anyone, even a close person, to use the card issued in another person’s name.
  • Make sure that you as a cardholder always know where your payment card is.
  • If you pay by card, do not let the person serving you take it to a back room on their own because card data may be stolen.
  • Always check the transaction amount that you approve with the card.
  • Check card transactions regularly via Business Internet Banking or the Swedbank mobile app. If any transaction seems suspicious, please contact the bank immediately.
  • It is not recommended to send card number by e-mail or disclose it over the telephone when making a purchase because card data may be misused for fraudulent transactions but, if there are no other options, please be extra careful.
  • Be careful when using the ATMs of other banks. Some ATMs return payment card before dispensing the money. Make sure that you collect your payment card and the requested amount of cash before you leave the ATM.
  • A cardholder receive a new card and also a PIN in a separate envelope. A cardholder receive a new card and also a PIN in a separate envelope.

    • Renewed cards will keep their former PIN.
  • Do not tell or show the PIN to anyone, not even to bank employees.
  • Memorise it, do not write down the PIN on the card or anywhere else where it can be seen by others.
  • New! Check your card’s PIN code in the Swedbank app. Its secure, easy and will help, if you forget your original PIN or cannot remember it after changing.
  • For payment approval, try to enter the PIN so that no one else can see it. The card can be stolen and be used by somebody else. If the card with PIN code is used by a thief, it is the customer’s own responsibility.
  • If you suspect that the PIN has become known to someone else or if the bank has notified you of the need to change your PIN, the cardholder must change it immediately. It can be done at any Swedbank ATM. When selecting new PIN, do not re-use your old PIN.
  • Do not use identical PIN codes for different cards for the ease of memorising them.
  • For security reasons, PIN may be entered incorrectly only twice. After the third time, the card will automatically be blocked:

    • If the card is blocked in POS terminal, it may be unblocked in Swedbank ATMs by entering correct PIN at first attempt.
    • If the card gets blocked in ATM or you can’t remember the PIN, a new card must be ordered.
  • If a payment card is lost or stolen, it must be closed immediately. This can be done on the Business Internet Banking site or the mobile app, by sending a message to the bank or by contacting the bank by phone on 67 444 444. For security reasons, we advise cardholders to keep Swedbank's phone number in their phone's memory.
  • If the card is lost or stolen abroad and it’s not possible to get in touch the bank, then the card can be suspended by calling the MasterCard 24h international assistance line on +1 636 722 7111 (charged).

Information about possible risks
Failure to fulfil your financial commitments in full increases the cost of the financing you receive and may have an adverse impact on your credit history. Furthermore, if the contract is terminated due to a serious breach on your part, compulsory recovery of the debt may be undertaken and you could lose ownership of the mortgaged property.

Two small business owners. A man holds a finished product, a woman a tablet.

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Joining the programme is free of charge, no need to register nor share any personal information. Just use your eligible Mastercard business card.

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Jūsu Internet Explorer pārlūkprogramma netiek atbalstīta.

Lūdzu izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai Microsoft Edge pārlūkprogrammu.

Ar 23.03.2021. Swedbank internetbanka vairs nav pieejama, izmantojot Internet Explorer tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammu.

Tāpat nav iespējams apstiprināt Swedbank maksājumus citās vietnēs, kā arī izmantot Swedbank autentifikāciju, piemēram,

Turpmāk iesakām izmantot Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox vai jaunāko Microsoft Edge versiju. Uzziniet, kā uz sava datora uzstādīt kādu no minētajām pārlūkprogrammām, šeit.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

Klientu serviss - Инфо и помощь - Customer service: +371 67 444 444

  • Jūsu ierīces operētājsistēma un pārlūkprogramma ir novecojusi un netiek atbalstīta Swedbank internetbankas lietošanai. Aicinām vērsties pie Jums uzticama IT atbalsta, lai saņemtu konsultāciju un veiktu atbilstošu operētājsistēmas un pārlūkprogrammas atjauninājumu.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

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Mastercard® Business Bonus

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“Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga,
LV-1048, Latvia
Reg. number: 40003074764

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This is Internet Banking site of companies offering financial services - "Swedbank" AS, "Swedbank Līzings" SIA, "Swedbank Atklātais Pensiju Fonds" AS, "Swedbank Ieguldījumu Pārvaldes Sabiedrība" AS, "Swedbank P&C Insurance" AS Latvia branch, "Swedbank Life Insurance" SE Latvia branch. Before signing any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service.